Simone Bertugno
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SIMONE BERTUGNO was born in 1963 in Rome, where he lives and develops his artistic activity. After having studied at the Fine Arts Academy in Rome (he graduated in sculpture in 1987), he sized up his work in the fields of sculpture, multi-media installation, art in public space, exhibit design and scenography, in which he manages to find his expressive path. His work deals with space, perception and sound. He is also a composer.He has partecipated in many group and solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad:Manifesta 12 Palermo, 2018, The Revolution will be Live-streamed, multimedia show curated by Mike Watson, part of the collateral events, Non-Conference/Lost, performance, Nexst Festival Torino, 2017; Antiuniversity Closing Party, the White Building, London, June 2017; Non-Conference/Panic in Berlin, performance and solo show, Acud, Transmediale festival, Peninsula Gallery, Berlin 2017; 2° International sculpture Biennale, Monumental sculpture in public space, Piazzola del Brenta (Padova), 2017; Ditirambo, multimedia show, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma, 2017; Cazzotto, percorso d’arte, Perugia, IT, 2017; Art-Class-War, multi-media show, curated by Mike Watson, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma e Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Roma, 2016; Camerini and Fuori tutto, 2016, group show, Mas, Rome; Sexodus, 2016, solo show at Spazio Menexa, Rome, curated by Paolo Aita;  Non-Conference, Future Rhythms, collateral event of the 56th Venice Biennale, curated by Mike Watson; Antropoluoghi, Nuovi Animali sociali, site specific installation and performance, Festival Villa Ada, Roma, 2015 curated by Valentina Gioia Levy;  In Rimbaud, sound lecture with Paolo Aita, ViVA, Galleria La Nuova Pesa, Roma, 2015;  Locus Sonus, 2015, solo show at Casa delle Letterature, Rome, curated by Paolo Aita; The Doors of Perception, 2014, solo show at INTERNO14, curated by Helia Hamedani; MAAM_eMAAMcipazione / festad’estate, 2014, Rome, curated by Giorgio de Finis, Paolo Angelosanto, Lori Adragna & Helia Hamedani; Bâtiment d’Ami, 2013, group show at Studio Campo Boario, Rome, curated by Alberto d’Amico, Massimo Arduini & Tino Franco; “A.R.I.A. Underground” – Rosso, 2012, group show at MACRO, Rome; Fragile per sempre, 2012, group show at Palazzo Incontro, Rome and Ente comunale di consumo, 2011, group show at Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome, both curated by Claudio Libero Pisano. In 2010, he was guest of the first season of Martedi Critici, the famous art-talk curated by Alberto Dambruoso. With Galleria VM21, Rome (Micol Veller and Maurizio Minuti): MiArt, Milano Art fair and group show at the gallery (2009-2010); MATERMATERIA, 2009, solo show at Museo del Burcardo, Rome, curated by Magali Moulinier; Sagome547, 2007, group show at Ministero degli Esteri – La Farnesina, Rome, curated by Horti Lamiani-Bettivò; Com.plot S.Y.Stem, Glac / Altre visioni, Libertà Politica e Territorio, 2006, Venezuelan pavilion, 10th international Exhibition of Architecture, Venice Biennale, and Com.plot City, 2003, group installation at Acquario romano, Casa dell’architettura, Rome. From 1996 to 2000 his work has been followed by Giuliana Stella and shown in: Mattatoio 2, group show, Ex Mattatoio di Albano, Rome, Contestura, group show, Ex Convento di San Salvatore in Lauro, Rome, Visioni Successive, group show, Ex Chiesa di San Rita, Rome e Gruppo Filtro, group show, Teatro degli Artisti, Roma, all of them curated by Giuliana Stella. In 1995, Le Ombre delle Idee, solo show, Ex Convento di Sant’Agostino, Pietrasanta. The beginnings with Fiumara d’Arte, group show, Galleria Banchi Nuovi, Rome, curated by Filiberto Menna (1987). Besides other exhibitions, from 1989 he has dedicated a large amount of works to theatre, among which the creation of 75 masks for Mozart’s Don Giovanni, directed by Mario Martone at San Carlo’s Theatre in Naples (2002). As a scenographer, one of his most interesting experiences took place when he was in charge of the artistic direction and development of two projects for EXPO 2002 (Swiss national exhibition) and then the scenography of the exhibition 10¦10 at Docks En Seine, Paris, commissioned by the Musée de design de Lausanne – Mudac, Switzerland. As a painter, he joins in public and private collections with a lot of paintings made to order. As a polyedric artist, he is moreover a composer and is credited with a large number of musical creations: lately he worked at two documentaries by Carlo Lizzani. In 2008 he joined the group EPSILON INDI as an author, composer and instrumentalist and produced in 2010 with Sergio de Vito and the Epsilon Indi the original soundtrack of the film Per questi stretti morire by Giuseppe Gaudino and Isabella Sandri, shown at the 67th Mostra del Cinema in Venice (in “Orrizonti” section), in competition at Parma 0-L·International Music Film 2013.

Events at Rome Art Week
Simone Bertugno
29 Oct 2021 | 18:00-23:30
Simone Bertugno

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Simone Bertugno
Via Gabrio Serbelloni 67
Simone Bertugno
26 Oct 2019 | 18:00-23:30
Simone Bertugno

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Simone Bertugno
Via Gabrio Serbelloni 67
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