Fabio Lapiana
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Events at Rome Art Week
Heaven and its representations
26 Oct 2021 | Time to be defined
Heaven and its representations
5pm. opening; 6pm lecture by Guidotto Colleoni; 7pm Book/Catalogue introduction
Free access
Orario non definito
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Paradise and its representations
26 Oct 2020 | 17:30
Paradise and its representations
A choral reflection and an exhibition on the theme of Paradise
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
Viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Paradise Room
28-31 Oct 2020
Paradise Room
a microcosm of artistic presences united in a single sensorial machine
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
Viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Double Couple - Opening
21-26 Oct 2019
Double Couple - Opening
On display works by six artistic couples
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Double Couple - Third talk
25 Oct 2019 | 18:30
Double Couple - Third talk
Meeting with the couples Stucky - Benci; Poulain - Lapiana. Video projection
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Double Couple - Closing
26 Oct 2019 | 18:00
Double Couple - Closing
Closure of the exhibition and screening of all the videos
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
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