Duccio Bombardini
Duccio Bombardini born in Rome in 1996, painter and contemporary artist I realise my art through a personal artistic style by means of oil painting applied with a spatula.
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Duccio Bombardini is a contemporary artist with a zest for life. This

impulse, the vital elan, to quote Bergson, is realised in the search for the

continuous definition of himself, through art. This quest revolves

around colour, with the definition of personality manifested through the

the progressive action of the palette knife. A targeted action, instinctive and rational at the same time,

that builds a brilliant and harmonious chromatic fabric, never shouted, suggesting

thus suggesting vibrant spaces where imagination concretises forms. The drawing,

which the painter always realises following the good rules of the art workshop,

thus proceeding over time from the idea, from the sketch, to its explication

through the sketch to scale, until arriving at the final, to be brought back with the

dusting on the canvas, the drawing, we said, always presents a bird's-eye view,

a ‘bird's eye view’, bringing back memories of places visited, situations experienced,

memories that have emerged. Duccio Bombardini's story is now given to us in this

first solo exhibition at which he arrives, albeit very young, with a pictorial maturity that

pictorial maturity that informs a perfectly recognisable style. Being

colour thus becomes the manifesto of his personal, individual and artistic growth.

The large canvas at the centre of the fairy tale narrated by Duccio, which starts from black and white

black, as in a flashback, speaks to us of a pleasant place, of fun, where

get lost, in search of memories raked over from childhood. Works of

similar format still present us with scenes crowded with characters of small

dimensions, minimal figures moving on an intellectual, metaphysical plane,

formed by cultured references to Flemish painting.

This research, which started from observation and work from life, as in the series

the Alberelli series, now unfolds openly in medium-format canvases, where the

forms are freed by interweaving through the exaltation of colour. We are at the

fusion of the inside-outside relationship, at its overcoming. The overcoming, the

sublimation of being, always takes place on the threshold, on the ridge that separates and

encompasses the dual vision of the world. Thus, Duccio Bombardini tells us

of Expressionism and the Impressionists, declining this dualistic oneness

flying like a contemporary drone through Art History, always

on the threshold of the whole, even of the vexata quaestio of the last century, the dichotomy

Abstract/Figurative that he brilliantly overcomes, solving the existential rebus

with the natural flow of craft, of colour, of discourse.

A discourse of his own that he shares, we believe, with total mutual satisfaction,

both of the artist and the public.

Francesco Maria Bonifazi

Events at Rome Art Week
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