Edri Rama
In drawing my line is often rapid and spontaneous almost in search of movement just as in paintings spontaneous brush strokes and contrasts of colour prevail, expressions or the looks of the subjects are often elements of connection with the observer
Data and contact details

I was born in Tirana in 1982, I started drawing in a very natural way, I also like to create shapes and model easy to find materials such as wood or mud/clay. Also encouraged by my father who takes me to attend the studio of a local painter. Here I start with the first drawing lessons also using tempera and doing some outings in the open air. I attend the studio for about 5/6 months, in 92 'we move with the family to Rome, where I continue as a self-taught. In drawing my strokes are often strong, fast and spontaneous. Towards the age of sixteen fascinated by the works and colors of the Impressionist Masters I want to experiment with oil painting initially painting on recycled supports such as wood and chipboard also mixing the techniques adding pastels and oil. I try to refine my technique in more figurative representations but my nature is certainly in spontaneous brush strokes and in contrasts and colors. In my works I like to create something that establishes a connection with the observer through the expressions and looks of the subjects. Currently I paint mainly with acrylic and I sculpt wood.
I have participated in various collective exhibitions, since 2023 I have been a member of the cultural association Il Salotto di Diotima and then of the Multidisciplinary Association AreaM - APS, together with the group we have performed collective exhibitions in Rome and we participate in the Ninth Edition Rome Art Week with the Mediterranean Exhibition at the Galleria Consorti in Via Margutta

Events at Rome Art Week
The Mediterranean
19-26 Oct 2024
The Mediterranean
Collective exhibition of contemporary art, curated by Patrizia Langher, with the participation of 21 artists who are members of the Association Il Salotto di Diotima
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 19 Oct 2024 | 18:00-20:00
Galleria Consorti
Via Margutta 52/A
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