Paolo Napolitano
Contemporary artist, Milan, Italy
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
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I was born in Naples on 5 March 1968. I live in Milan, where I completed technical studies and where I carry out technical activities as an associate in an architecture firm. I have always felt the need to express myself through drawing and painting. Self-taught. For a short period I attended the Rosetum artistic group in Milan, participating in some group exhibitions at the Velasquez gallery, attending some study evenings with the artist Tina Jacobs in the same period. Since 2020 I have felt the need for deeper research and experimentation and for more constant and continuous implementation.



After an initial period of oil painting, I create works on canvas with the use of enamels, for a more immediate work and for a clearer identification of colors

In the search for possible symbolic and immediate interpretations, I try to integrate the support with different materials such as metal cables, ropes, wooden strips, nails, glues, gravel, gold leaf.

I use art as a search for personal well-being; a need for completion and as an attempt to resolve daily critical issues, bringing the dialogue back to a non-rational and unconstrained sphere. A sought-after solitude and a reconnection with the earth. I can express myself with freedom of expression and thought. In identifying the point of conflict, I try to counteract my attempt at resolution. I'm looking for a sunny spot. With the graphic repetitiveness of elements or symbols to which I attribute positive connotations, I seek a profound improvement, like a mantra for identifying a point of balance.

Beyond chaos and the inability to relate, I seek the absence of background noise, the simplification of forms and the cleanliness of the overall vision, also with the elimination of perspective and the search for two-dimensional graphics, to a clearer and more direct message. I try to identify the vibration given by the contrast of some elements with the void which is cleanliness and peace. I also try to reduce the representation of the work to the event, leaving out the visibility of the cause in order to give greater prominence to the action, or focusing on the moment of maximum potential that is still unexpressed. I'm looking.


Events at Rome Art Week
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