Silvia Macaluso
Let me introduce myself I'm Silvia Macaluso, in art Mmarla the peculiarity of my art is that as a support I use receipts, considering art as the tool of retaliation of ideals on price. Not everything is for sale
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I chose a unique artistic path, painting on receipts, a symbolic choice that represents criticism of a society marked by consumerism and commodification.


The name "marla," is inspired by the restless female character of "Fight Club," seeing me again in her is in her intent and irreverence in challenging the status quo. I doubled the "M" that symbolizes the initial of my last name. The use of receipts is functional as the latter are the symbol of a society that often evaluates everything in terms of monetary value. The central concept of my works is, therefore, an appeal to redemption from consumerism, demonstrating that the metamorphosis between "having" and "being" is possible and desirable, transforming the cash register from a money-gugger to a source of value, a vehicle through which humanity can aspire to something more meaningful. A claiming the value of things on the price, since the receipt is a paper that tends to fade leaving room for the work of art.


The artistic techniques adopted are combined, the key element that binds all my works is the constant presence of my "personal self" of my emotional experience then crystallized in the third person in a work in which everyone can see themselves again. This connection with the works makes each work an exploration of my identity and my vision of the world, but a kind of self-therapy on their vision of the world for those who watch them.


Ambiguity is another distinctive element in fact since the works allow each observer to draw interpretations and reflect on the hidden meaning of their moods. The use of sharp contours and black markers in contrast with nuanced chromatic effects adds an element of drama to the works, which always speak of souls voraciously swallowed by a society that no longer leaves room for dreams, feelings and kindness

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