Mirta Carroli
Mirta Carroli, across fields below as nourishment of his sculptures, prefers the theater and poetry. […] Theater, in addition to the text, is the realm of construction of space, one illusionistic space that creates feelings and emotions
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Mirta Carroli was born in Brisighella (Ra) in 1949, lives and works between Bologna and Milan. After studying art at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Bologna, she teaches Plastic Discipline at the Art School and Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts of the same city he began exhibiting in 1984 with numerous solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad and has to his credit several large sculptures. His work and his poetry are focused on the study of ancestral forms, almost primordial, dating back both to the myth that the man’s life, evocative of ancient civilizations. In 1999 she was awarded the Marconi Prize in Sculpture, from the University, by Marconi and the Artistic Circle Bologna.Tra the most significant group exhibitions Foundation can recall the international experience of sculpture held in Ljubljana and Graz in 1992; New Triennial of Contemporary Art in Bologna in 1993 1997; Biennials of Gubbio sculpture in 1994 and 2005 at the invitation of Giorgio Bonomi and Marisa Vescovo; those of Palazzo Massari Ferrara in 1994 and 1996. He exhibited in 1994, 2003 and 2011 in New York and operates a version of the dummy “Ten in one” at the XLVI Biennale di Venezia graphics section. Followed by numerous solo exhibitions: in 2000 at the G7 Gallery “Reliefs” and in 2007 “Tribal” to Plurima Gallery in Udine; in the same year he was present in China in Shanghai with sculptures and a performance at the Shanghai Mooma. In parallel work on space planning numerous large sculptures and monuments. In 2008 he designed a retrospective exhibition in his country of origin Brisighella with sculptures and installation in the territory, for the care of Pietro Bellasi and Giorgio Bonomi. In 2009 he is present with numerous large-sized sculptures in Castello di Pergine Valsugana at the invitation of Franco Batacchi. Among the latest exhibitions include collective held in the Royal Palace of Racconigi Park “International Sculpture in Racconigi, appearances and experiences of the past” by Luciano Caramel (2010); Rimini at the Castle Sismondo “Sculpture Project” by Beatrice Buscaroli (2011);the solo exhibition at the Palazzo Schifanoia in Ferrara (2010/2011) for the treatment of Angelo Andreotti. Presenta in 2012 its silver jewelry at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York; Always in 2012 in the Bologna G7 gallery presents the solo exhibition “Del flight and song.” In the Convent of St. Francis in Bagnacavallo Pietro Bellasi cure his retrospective exhibition “The Treasure of the Giants” in 2013. In 2004 he published the book-work “Ten in one” publisher Eidos Mirano designed and implemented together with the poet Maria Luisa Vezzali, while in 2011 it comes to prints “implicit forms of Faïences / Unearthed jewelry Shapes Faïences jewels” always with the poetry of Maria Luisa Vezzali home Allemandi Publishing of Turin. In Faenza in 2018 she erected a seven-metre sculpture "Nike" in a roundabout, while in 2020 for Parma Città della Cultura in Langhirano plans a sculpture “Following the flight of the rotors” for the Sentiero dell’Arte. The monograph “Scultura” Edizione Magonza Arezzo will be published in 2022

Events at Rome Art Week
Mirta Carroli - Solid as Air
20 Sep-08 Nov 2024
Mirta Carroli - Solid as Air
It might seem an oxymoron to attribute solidity to the element air, but in fact what Mirta Carroli has achieved in the spaces of TRAleVOLTE is a transformation.
Free access
Vernissage Friday 20 Sep 2024 | 18:00-20:30
TRAleVOLTE Associazione di promozione sociale
Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10
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