Barbara Caputo
Nature as the source of my inspiration: through my works I aim to bring the spectator on an introspective journey in their own interior world to be able to touch with hand their own emotions and reach a condition of well-being
Data and contact details

Barbara Caputo is an intuitive abstract painter… her works want to offer the public an introspective journey to linger on their emotions eviscerating them from the most secluded parts of their SELF.

Part-time self-taught painter, she lives in Rome but was born in Capri and the island’s beauty has an extensive (oppure important/enormous) influence on her work as an artist to the point that Nature itself is her source of inspiration.

Having undertaken diametrically contrary studies to artistic expression (graduates in Law in 1998 to then become an attorney) her contact with paint originates later in 2004 after her first trip to The Big Apple! It’s from this exact moment that she decides to satisfy an almost-ancestral need to get closer to painting.

So she starts to unleash her need to find a free space where she can dwell on observing her emotions. Her working and familiar obligations and especially the succession of consecutive states of depression stop however on multiple occasions her artistic expression.

Fighting to overcome the obstacles that she put herself under has been a rather long battle and the skepticism towards herself has for a long time stopped her primary goal: reconnecting with all of her own emotions, finding the pleasure of loving life again and especially resuming (oppure “continuing”) her passion for painting held back from a lack of inspiration. In 2015 she goes back to painting, attends courses directed by Elettra Porfiri and Barbara Duran realizing at first strongly material works through the use of mixed-media acrylics to then switch to oil painting which still remains today her primary method of expression. She in fact finds in oil painting the most suited means to work on shades and tone variations united with a vigorous line so that the spectator’s look gets lost to find again a situation of well-being.

Her work is inspired by abstract impressionism and abstract expressionism to position itself in abstract realism!

She has exhibited in London III International Art Expo Arthill Gallery, in Genova Palazzo Ducale - For you

Contemporary Art exhibition Milan at Food Ars

Contemporary Art exhibition “il cibo come l’arte” obtaining the reward for best painting in the “incanto”  category.

Winner of the 6th edition of the national painting competition Dantebus Bazart

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
24 Oct 2024 | 16:30-17:30
Barbara Caputo
Creation of an artwork in realtà time
Free access
Open Studio
Via Tiburtina 135
Finissage Covolab per RAW: Arts, Meetings and Creativity
26 Oct 2024 | 18:00-23:30
Finissage Covolab per RAW: Arts, Meetings and Creativity
Covolab ends Rome Art Week with an exclusive finissage featuring art exhibitions, social events, and creative pop-up shops. Enjoy an aperitif while meeting artists and exploring unique works.
Free access
Via Tiburtina 135
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