Claudia Farrace
Claudia Farrace was born on 27/12/1990 in San Antonio Texas (usa). After graduating in fine Arts in Rufa, she works based in Rome, expressing herself throug painting and illuistration.
Data and contact details

Claudia Farrace was born in San Antonio Texas (USA) on 12/27/1990. She attended the Rufa accademy of fine art graduating in 2017 with thw thesis "the Fairy tale and the origins of man". She is attending the editorial illustration course this year at the IED in Rome. Over the years she has focused on the illustrated fairy tale as a discovery of one's self through the vicissitudes of the characters and the illustrated ptojects, participating in workchops at Montefiore Conca. At the same time she expresses herself through painting by describing the contexts she experiences, throught the encounter and discovery of the other, in the subtle transference, uniting the characters in a single meaning or place of passage thats rappresents them, from a place to a garment. They are mostly female figures who ask to be seen, linked by the same need for redenption. She currently works in Rome in her studio in Pigneto.

Events at Rome Art Week
Claudia Farrace
25 Oct 2024 | 18:00-22:00
Claudia Farrace
"Arte in cantina" is an artistic studio located in via Fanfulla da Lodi 9. It presents itself as an ancient cellar in which the two artists Tatiana Balchesini and Claudia Farrace carry out their research freely, creating an emotional vortex.
Free access
Open Studio
"Arte in cantina"
via Fanfulla da Lodi 9
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