Giuliana Paolucci
Giuliana Paolucci lives and works in Rome. Trained at La Sapienza and the Academy of Fine Arts, she engages mainly in painting using fast techniques such as watercolor and acrylic that best correspond to her evocative imagery .
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
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Short biography.

Giuliana Paolucci is a painter and curator, born in Padua, lives and works in Rome. After graduating with honors in Pedagogy with a historical-philosophical focus at the University of La Sapienza, discussing, with Prof. Armando Rigobello a thesis on Aesthetics, she obtained a degree in Scenography, with Prof. Paolo Ferruzzi, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where for several years she taught subjects on the borderline between philosophy, history and art. He participates in Exhibitions on "Theatrical Scenography" organized by the Academy, and always for the Academy he curates several installations including the one on Ruskaja's costumes at the National Academy of Dance in Rome.

In 2018 he curates the exhibition at the Korean Cultural Institute: The PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games.

She writes about Art, cinema, theater and photography in essays and newspapers such as il Domenicale in magazines such as AT2000 and in particular in La Critica one of the finest telematic magazines on Art Design and New Media reviewing some trale latest Art and Architecture Biennales.

In 2021, the Museum of the Present in Rende (Cosenza) hosted a solo exhibition of his work entitled: "In fondo agli occhi," curated by Roberto Sottile, in which about thirty works using mainly watercolor and acrylic were exhibited. (...)Memories, encounters, expectations that intertwine with each other to become contemporary visions of a present where the image is told and "dissolved" thanks to the use of watercolor and acrylic technique. They are Giuliana Paolucci's innermost thoughts, her perceptions, the emotions triggered by her travels, her experiences that add up and subtract from each other, staging a color story made of visual stimuli, technical intuitions, but also ideas and unpredictability. A path of tenderness, light and "mirabilia," an implicit reminder of the sense of return, travel, discovery of the world but also the conquest of ourselves(...)

After the years of virtuoso experimentation in which his research coincides with travel notes and the eye follows the hand in the search for that particular evocation of the different realities, from time to time encountered, particularly the underwater world, using mainly watercolor and India ink, in his more recent production emerge, as if put to flight by the urgency to get out, more symbolic figurations that favor the acrylic technique and its greater chromatic power.

In 2022 she participated with two acrylics on canvas in the exhibition "Pene d'amor perduto," curated by Alessandra De Angelis at Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia.


Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
25 Oct 2023 | 17:00-21:00
Giuliana Paolucci

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Giuliana Paolucci
via della isole 9
28 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:30
exhibition event of the collective Isole9
Free access
Libreria Caffè Tomo
via degli Etruschi 4
28 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
first performance of the collective
Event on Reservation
studio isole9
Via Delle Isole 9
Giuliana Paolucci
28 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Giuliana Paolucci

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Giuliana Paolucci
via delle Isole 9
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