Collective ISOLE9
The group takes its name from the place where its first event took place - via delle Isole9, in the Trieste district - but it also implies the common search for new horizons.
Data and contact details
Participating Artists

Isole9 is a physical place- via delle isole 9 - animated by the events promoted by the Collective of artists who express themselves within a single archipelago such as that of the search for new horizons that transforms Isole9 into a non-place, an ideal and concrete dimension of reciprocity and sharing

Founding nucleus of the collective are Giuliana Paolucci, Luana Romano and Vito Di Bella who are joined from this year by Stefano Bufalini an artist trained like them at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

Different personalities and life experiences, in seemingly distant spaces and times, yet their works dialogue harmoniously united by the search for urban atmospheres and landscapes, hovering between the oneiric the symbolic and the fantastic; a vision of existence aimed at a color-filled representation inspired by the theatrical and cinematic atmospheres that in some way each of them has experienced.

Thus Bufalini's photograms, blurred, far from the place of action, with a background murmur fit well into the poetics of the Collective, which translates into Paolucci's peculiar style, of her fleeting brushstrokes, vibrant with color, so fluid that the figures portrayed seem as if shaped, nourished by their surroundings; in Di Bella's more textural characters caught in the crowded and noisy places of their everyday life, until, by way of counterpoint, Romano's painting, thoughtful, solid but capable of creating rarefied, muffled, sometimes mysterious atmospheres. Isole9 in short represents a refined balance between tangible reality and dreamlike vision, lightness and gravity, instinct and control of gesture, thought, feeling

Alessandra De Angelis

Events at Rome Art Week
28 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
first performance of the collective
Event on Reservation
studio isole9
Via Delle Isole 9
Image not present
21 Apr 2023 | 19:00-22:30
Three times three.
Presentation event by the three artists of a trilogy of their own
Event on Reservation
Art Night
Studio collettivo
Via Delle Isole 9
28 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:30
exhibition event of the collective Isole9
Free access
Libreria Caffè Tomo
via degli Etruschi 4
Involved with faces
15 Dec 2023 | 19:00-22:30
Involved with faces

Free access
Art Night
Libreria Tomo Caffè
Via degli Etruschi, 14
Image not present
15 Dec 2023 | 19:30-22:30
Involved with faces
Extemporaneous portraits
Free access
Art Night
Libreria Tomo Cafè
via degli Etruschi 4
Image not present
26 Oct 2024 | 18:00-20:00
The Isole9 collective presents VITAE,or the splendor of vitality. An exhibition that aims to explore the connection between art and creative vitality, because to quote H. Bergson : vital impetus consists in a need for creation .
Free access
Via degli Etruschi 4
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