Salvatore Attanasio Avitabile
Painter Sculptor Theater actor and TV performer began painting at 11 years old. Self-taught since 1993 as a naval officer, he visits the major cities of the world, exhibits in personal exhibitions in Rome, New York, Turin, participates in films and fiction
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Self-taught painter, sculptor, designer. Born in Piano di Sorrento in 1972. Artist for three generations, he began painting at a very young age. His artistic destiny was already sealed in the first months of his life! He later recalled an episode that happened when he could neither speak nor walk; in her white cradle illuminated by the soft light of the afternoon, her gaze falls on a painting by her painter aunt, and she recognizes in the figures a very sad motherhood, the painted face of the mother is embittered, the child seems dead, the two figures sink in a black backdrop, impressed Salvatore reacts in the only way he knows how, and cries in fear. From that moment art entered his life and would never leave him again. The first significant production dates back to 1980 with a series of fantastic landscapes with a strong expressionist matrix, initially he looks to the Posillipo school without however being influenced by it, he sees the delicate Sorrento landscapes of Achille Vianelli, he is fascinated by the warm country roads of Gabriele Smargiassi, but he will never become a follower of Giacinto Gigante, indeed his "Colorist" soul leads him towards his own revisitation of French impressionism, a passion certainly born at school when, as an artistic exercise, Salvatore copies the famous painting by Claude Monet “Sunrise Impression”. He then intensifies the study of color, moving from tempera on paper to the oil technique on canvas. His first oil painting is dated 1983, the year in which, having received an easel and colors as a gift, he began to paint his first colorful and imaginative canvases. 1986 he is about to enroll at the Sorrento Art Institute but at the last moment his parents direct him to the Nautical Technician in Piano di Sorrento. In recent years the passion for landscapes rich in color and light is waning when youthful anxieties push Avitabile towards introspective painting, and he finds in the figure of Max Ernst the master he was looking for, he therefore becomes interested in Surrealism, begins his investigation by painting in the 1990 “Genesi” his interpretation of “Ubu Imperator” remains fascinated by the amazing atmospheres he finds in the works of Renè Magritte and Salvador Dalì from whose works he draws great inspiration. His Surreal Metaphysical period culminates in 1993 with paintings such as; “The Iceman” “Alan Warrior in the third room”1995

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