Lorenzo Cappella
Born in Ancona in 1999, he lives and works in Rome from 2019. He uses painting as a tool of investigation of the inner and the outer reality.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
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Events at Rome Art Week
Paesaggio a metà
23-27 Oct 2023
Paesaggio a metà

Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:00
Rome University of Fine Arts
Via degli Ausoni, 7
No vases with flowers
28 Oct-22 Nov 2023
No vases with flowers
Reflection on the concept of painting as a traditional modus operandi
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 28 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:30
Associazione Culturale TRAleVOLTE
Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10
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