Isabel Carafì
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Isabel carafi


Italian-Argentine artist.Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


National qualified at Academy of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1978.She lives and Works in Italy since 1980.She got the qualification in Painter professor, Diploma of fine Art at Carrara, Italy,1983.She lived in Carrara from 1980 to 1992.Currently and since 1999 she lives in Trieste, Italy.

Personal and Collective Exhibition

Argentina (Buenos Aires, Cordoba, La Plata, Patagonia, Puerto Madrin), Canada (montreal), China (Hong Kong, Shanghai), Croatia (Rovinj), France (Paris), Germany (Berlin), Italy (Ascoli Piceno, Bologna, Carrara, Catania, Finale Ligure, Florence, Forte dei Marmi, Genoa, La Spezia, Naples, Milan, Modena, Padua, Reggio Emilia, Rome, Sardinia, Sicily, Treviso, Trieste, Venice), Russia (Moscow), Slovenia, Spain (Barcelona), Sweden, Switeryland, Usa (New York, Miami), Uruguay (Montevideo, Punta del Este). mail:


Isabel Carafì may perhaps boast of the richest curriculum, in his long career as a painter he has had the opportunity to travel and exhibit a bit everywhere, to confront the other by overcoming fears and breaking taboos. The choice of living in Trieste is therefore not quite random: middle ground, culture crossing, exchange and friction. It is from his artistic production that the signs of the acquired and perhaps sometimes conflicting diversities emerge, of the search for that point of ancestral and decisive origin. Isabel Carafì divides his existence between the South American and Eurasian continents, he is born in Buenos Aires, Accademia di Belle Arti Diplomas, moved to Italy 1980 Accademia di Carrara and from 1999 he lives in Trieste. The traits of his pictorial poetics are unmistakable: not pure depiction, not simple abstraction but almost anthropological research. The subjects of his works mix the semiotic value of caricature, the taste for naif design, with contemporary architecture.




My work is planned from the idea, to the design to the material to the execution, starting in the last years with research trips in the various metropolises of the planet and a previous photographic work and then moving on to different visual materials of execution, painting: canvas, acrylic , plexiglas, sculpture: lgno, arcilla, resin.


Many instructors from my Juventu have inspired my career as a painter, sculptor, as a young man I loved Bernini, Capogrossi Fontana Scanavino, first Mattise, Picasso, Egon Shile, Klimt, Munch, Renne Magritte, Keit Haring, as an adult more and more unquestionably art primitive archaic, Etruscan, Phoenician, Greek, African, Asian .precolombino

Totally in symbiosis, my interactive works in front of the viewer, the shape does not become color without it, the color does not interact without a conscious and designed form.


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