Carlo Solazzi
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Carlo Solazzi Born in Fiumicino on 19/05/1945, his relationship with art and creativity was revealed from childhood.

In 1970-71, he enrolled at the 'Scuola LIbera del Nudo' in Rome, attending the lessons of artist Lillo Spadini.In the years between 1971 and 1975, his talent made him known in Roman art circles, and he had the opportunity to participate in both solo and group exhibitions with artists such as: Ennio Calabria, Pietro Campus Salvatore Provino, Quintili.

In 1975 he was selected and participated in the Quadriennale di Roma in the 'New Generation' section with a work entitled 'Forma Tripla', the admission committee was chaired by: Enrico Crispolti, Mario Dall'Aglio, Mario De Micheli, Pericle Fazzini, Renato Guttuso, Luigi Montanarini, Bruno Munari, Augusto Perez.( cataloguing link of the Quadriennale Library Archive).

The frequentations and artistic encounters of those years were fundamental, two in particular: with the artist Giuseppe Vittorio Parisi, with whom there was a relationship of mutual esteem and exchange, and the meeting with Francesco del Drago who had his studio in Fiumicino and with whom he often went to the beach to paint.His friendship with the painter Francesco del Drago, who at that time was formulating his scientific/pictorial theory on the "New Chromatic Circle" (in collaboration with the C.N.R. in Rome), pushed his research from sign to colour in a perceptive and therapeutic sense, in the light of the new discoveries that del Drago had made, assuming that the chromatism of the works must arouse pleasure in the observer through the electromagnetic vibrations of colour.In the following years, he had the opportunity to frequent the artist Antonio Vangelli.After the exploits of his first exhibitions and his participation in the Quadriennale di Roma in 1975, he made a life choice, retiring from the official art world to devote himself to his family and entrepreneurial work, while continuing his creative research in design, decoration and ship modelling.

In 2008, inspired by a trip to Hamburg and other northern European countries, he started drawing and painting again, taking as his figurative theme ancient and modern boats and the sea, but this was only the beginning of a new artistic career that would take him back to his research on colour, picking up where he left off.One of the triggers for this new passion and creative explosion was the meeting in 2018 with the Oxford Collective, a group of artists who started a movement called "Archaic and Present The New Roman Spatialism" and to which Carlo adheres enthusiastically, taking part in all the group exhibitions to date.The Oxford Collective

. The "Oxford Collective", founded by artist and curator Mauro Silani, was formed in January 2018, to unite interest in artistic, scientific and philosophical dissemination, starting from common roots. It was born from the meetings and symposia that took place in Rome at the Hotel Oxford in via Boncompagni 89These meetings gave rise to a true artistic movement called 'ARCAICO E PRESENTE', which was recognised by Maestro Gianpaolo Berto, emeritus of the Academy of Fine Arts, and its founder Mauro Silani, as 'THE NEW ROMAN SPACIALISM'.This name was subscribed to in a draft manifesto, by all the artists who are part of the 'Oxford Collective' .The artistic manifesto was publicly presented at the Palazzo Merulana museum in Rome on 20 September 2019 and simultaneously deposited in the form of an interview story on Radio Rai Teche teaIt includes painters, sculptors, men of letters, philosophers, writers, poets, academics, scientists, photographers, actors, performers, filmmakers, video-artists, architects, graphic designers and master craftsmen as well as Fab Lab operators.Multidisciplinarity and research, are the main characteristics of this Collective, without any expressive prevarication with respect to the methods that each artist undertakes, in the forms of working that they consider appropriate.Art, as the sum of all the dichotomies that cancel each other out, not in sterile contrapositions, but through the right osmotic tension, between artists, works and viewers, allows for the right harmony between message, content and container.In the light of the latest discoveries in physics, mankind stands at the door of an abyss of new knowledge, which, in the media, engages all areas of knowledge and where, from our point of view, art must play a major role, both in the research phase and in dissemination.To this end, at each exhibition, we will ensure that the territory is culturally involved, especially with the participation of school artists and teachers. The Collective sees itself as a true artistic movement and research laboratory.

LInk reference for the Oxford Collective manifesto:

Mauro Silani Curator and founder of the CollectiveOxford

Exhibitions from 1973 to 1975

1973- Fiumicino: Personal exhibition 'La Paranza' gallery

1974-Ostia Lido (Rome): Solo exhibition 'La Cornice' gallery

1974-Ostia Lido (Rome): Solo exhibition 'Orsa Maggiore' gallery

1974-Rome: Group exhibition 'Minerva' gallery with artists such as Ennio Calabria, Pietro Campus, Provino, Quintili.

1975 he was selected and exhibited at the Quadriennale di Roma in the "New Generation" section with the work ( cataloguing link of the Quadriennale Library Archive

Exhibitions With the Oxford Collective from 2018 to 2022

2018 - Sutri:Itinerant Collective of the Oxford Collective at Palazzo del Drago

2018 - L'Aquila: Itinerant Collective of the Oxford Collective at the Palazzetto dei Nobili of L'Aquila

2019 - Rome: Itinerant Collective of the Oxford Collective at the Gard Gallery

2019 - Santa Marinella: Itinerant Collective Exhibition of the Oxford Collective at the Castello Di Santa Severa

2021 - Rome: Itinerant Collective Exhibition of the Oxford Collective Spazio Arte Vertecchi

2022 - Rome: Itinerant Collective Exhibition of the Oxford Collective at Hotel Oxford

Events at Rome Art Week
23-31 Oct 2023
Beyond Time, Space and Color curated by Mauro Silani
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 18:30-20:30
Hotel Oxford
Via Bocompagni, 89
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