Desideria Burgio
Data and contact details

Desideria Burgio (Palermo 1978) attended the European Institute of Design in Rome and, in 2006, she achieved a degree at the Academy of Fine Arts, Palermo. Due to her multifaceted creativity, Desideria Burgio works both as a photographer and as installation artist, alternating these visual researches to the design of artists’ jewels. Her solo shows include: : Imago Mundi, Cantieri Culturali della Zisa , Palermo (2017) Petite Histoire d’un voyage , Grand Hotel et des palmes Museo Civico di Castelbuno , Palermo (2016) Sidera Micant, Fondazione Famiglia Piccolo di Calanovella, Capo d’Orlando (2015); TSO, Associazione Flavio Beninati, Palermo (2015); Postcard – tell me how you feel (about Palermo), Palermo Pride (2013); Havana_Palermo, Riso, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia, Palermo (2010); ALL I NEED IS LOVE, Cavallerizza di Palazzo Sant’Elia Palermo (2009); MINE, Stimultanea Gallery, Strasburgo, Belgio (2009). Amongst her group shows: #BocsArt, Cosenza (2015); Smart city, Riso, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia, Palermo (2014); Aziza, ZAC - Zisa Arte Contemporanea Palermo (2013); A Better World – collateral event of the 13th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia (2012); Duriora Decoxi, Villa Valguarnera, Bagheria (2011); Postres, Fotologìa, Festival Internacional de la Fotografìa, Bogotà, Colombia (2008).


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