Sabrina Vallarano
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Sabrina Vallarano, born in Rome, lives in the capital and graduates in Sociology at the University "La Sapienza". Self-taught artist, she is fascinated by recycling and old robi, even if only for the idea of ​​how to reuse what others throw away.

Use all waste materials, shirts, curtains, yuta, sea sand, old clothes, glass sand, waste wood, pieces of chairs, paper, acrylic and oil paints, chalks, stucco, glazes.

In its pieces, color tends to channel into sinuous, mobile forms, in which the impact of color and technique is conveyed by the consistency and experience of the material used.

Where there are certain lines tends to free the image from any geometric conditioning.

Among the exhibitions in which he participated: November 2012 "Prize Art Coffee Literary", by Pamela Cento and Sonia Mazzoli, at the Literary Cafe in Via Ostiense Rome. December 2012 exhibition "La Materia Ri-Nata", XX edition, also in Rome. November 2013 participates in the "Art-Abitart" award, spring 2013 "Vintage Market" at Villa Ada, exhibits also at "Post Station" former slaughterhouse. Caffè Perù, Rome Trastevere. ArtGallery "Spazio40", via arco san calisto, ediztion 2017 e 2018, ? in cento centimetri quadratiSinuous shapes and melange of colors, but also clear cuts and geometric cuts, an encounter between spirit and matter. I love the colors, the contrasts, the bright things, the beauty of the shapes, the materials. My paintings are born from an image, an idea, the desire for a color, the need to fill a physical and mental space, spiritual, fictional. Fill the eyes, nourish the soul .. I like to give life back to things, in a circle of new infinite energy, Eternal, inexhaustible, in continuous movement .. the forms are dynamic, everything is explosion .. the passion is life , and 'what leads me to create, without a specific purpose, the idea takes body in the making, rarely and' predetermined, thought. It is an internal movement acquires physicality, a materialized emotion.

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
29 Oct 2022 | 18:00-21:00

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Sabrina Vallarano
30 Oct 2020 | 18:30-21:00

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio lamateriarinata
via dei conciatori
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