Anita Guerra
Data and contact details

Anita Guerra was born in Havana, Cuba and began her studies at the Academia de Bellas Artes de Sta. Isabel de Hungría, in Seville, Spain, and then at Tyler School of Art, Temple University at the Philadelphia and Rome campuses. She has been living in Rome since 1977.

Most recently, she has returned from several trips back to Cuba on a travel and research grant to write an illustrated family memoir. She teaches painting, drawing, and sculpture at various educational institutions in Rome.


Selected solo exhibits Tres Patrias, Temple Gallery, Temple University Rome, Rome, Italy (2020) Mi Cuba, La Mia Italia, Casa de la Obra Pía Havana, Cuba (2016), and in Italy: Volver a Cuba (2016) and Ascent(2015), both at the St. Stephen’s Cultural Center Association, Rome; Anita Guerra, Zen Sushi, in Rome(2006), Natura e Geometria, Castello Piccolomini in Celano, Aquila(2000).


Selected Solo Conferences and Live Radio Interviews

“Autoritratto-Anita Guerra” MACRO ASILO, Museo di Arte Contemporaneo, Rome, Italy, (2019); “Live Social-By Night” Radio Roma Capitale, Anita Guerra , Rome,Italy (2019);

“Vitrales” Cultural Program created by Katia Cárdenas Radio Emisora Cuba.Anita Guerra, “Mi Cuba, La Mia Italia” exhibit for the XIX Week of Italian Culture, Havana, Cuba(2016); “I Giochi dell’Armonia” Cultural Program created by Alessandra Petitta of Vatican Radio. Anita Guerra , “Volver a Cuba,” Rome,Italy (2016)


Selected group exhibits in Italy include:

& Temple Gallery, Roma (2023)La Gabbia e il Volo, Municipio Roma I, Roma (2023) Remanso, Ex-Cartiera Appia, Roma (2022);ControVento.Artisti per Pasolini, Villa Guglielmi, Fiumicino (2022), ArtePorto Fuori Confine, ;Porto Imperiali di Claudio e Traiano (2021),Io e Me: Autoritratti durante il Lockdown Sala 1,Roma(2021);50+PontidiConoscenza;Looking at the Trees, Gazing at the Sky, St. Stephen’s Cultural Center Association, Rome (2019), RAW Faculty Exhibit, Rome Art Week, Temple Gallery, Rome(2019); Under the Same Roof, Sala 1, Rome, Italia (2018); Oltre I libri: l’arte del presente incontra I libri del passato at the Angelica library in Rome, (2015); Mimosa at Sala Uno in Rome(2004).

Selected group shows in the USA: Cross-Connect: One-to-One interviews with Creatives Around the Globe:Anita Guerra meets Gail Shaw-Clemons, Virtual encounter. IA&A at Hillyer, Washington DC, USA (2020);Under Another Roof, IA&A at Hillyer, Washington, D.C. (2018); Un Cortadito a Calle 8 at the Cremata Gallery in Miami,FL(2012); Anita Guerra, The Gallery, Basel Art Miami Miami, FL. (2004)


She has also exhibited extensively with the group CAFÉ, (Cuban American Foremost Exhibitions) in Merida, Mexico (2016), at the Sangre de Cristo Art Center, in Pueblo, Colorado, USA (2011), at Errol Barrow Center for Creative Imagination in Cave Hill, Barbados (2010), at Temple University in Rome, Italy(2008), and at the Arizona State University in Phoenix, AZ, USA,(2004).


Manuela De Leonardis, Roberta Melasecca, Shara Wasserman, and Marco Di Capua have written about her work.



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Events at Rome Art Week
Anita Guerra
21 Oct 2024 | 18:30-20:30
Anita Guerra
I'd like to share my latest series on mass tourists that have invaded Rome and the rest of Italy.
Free access
Open Studio
Studio Anita Guerra
Via dei Savorelli 8
Anita Guerra
27 Oct 2023 | 17:00-20:00
Anita Guerra

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Anita Guerra
Via dei Savorelli 8
Anita Guerra
26 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Anita Guerra

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Anita Guerra
Via dei Savorelli 8
Anita Guerra
26 Oct 2021 | 18:00-20:30
Anita Guerra

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Anita Guerra
Via dei Savorelli 8
Anita Guerra
28 Oct 2020 | 18:00-21:00
Anita Guerra

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Anita Guerra
Via dei Savorelli 8
Anita Guerra
23 Oct 2019 | 17:00-21:00
Anita Guerra

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Anita Guerra
Via dei Savorelli 8
Anita Guerra
22 Oct 2018 | 11:00-21:00
Anita Guerra

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Anita Guerra
Via dei Savorelli 8
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