This user is not registered for the current edition of Rome Art Week. Your form is most likely out of date or may contain errors.
Data and contact details
This card has not been updated for more than a year. data may not be reliable
Structure established in 2017
Director Zlata Grgurevic
Main genres treated by Artheka 32
Artists participating at RAW who have collaborated with Artheka 32
Critics and curators participating at RAW who collaborated with Artheka 32
X Municipality
Via Sartena 30/32 - 00122 Roma
10.00-13.00 / 16.00-19-00 chiuso domenica, lunedì e festivi
The biographies of the participants of Rome Art Week (RAW), including texts, images, and other personal data provided, are managed independently by the participants themselves. Kou - Association for the Promotion of Visual Arts and Rome Art Week do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, truthfulness, or content of the information provided in the biographies, nor for any violations of copyright, image rights, or other third-party rights.
Participants are solely responsible for managing their own data and for obtaining the necessary authorizations related to the use of the information and materials published.
Participants are solely responsible for managing their own data and for obtaining the necessary authorizations related to the use of the information and materials published.