Studio Arti Floreali
SPAZIO Arti Floreali is a gallery active since October 2021. It was born as the exhibition space of STUDIO Arti Floreali, the atelier that for twenty years has been promoting the culture of greenery in its most varied forms, with courses, workshops, exhibitions and events. SPAZIO is also available for initiatives proposed by external cultural operators.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

The Cultural Association "Studio Arti Floreali" (established in 2002) aims to spread knowledge of the world of flowers, trees, gardens, nature in general and the arts related to it, and to urge sensitivity to the environment and the defense of plant and artistic heritage.It has promoted studies, research, courses, seminars, exhibitions, conferences and other activities on various disciplines pertaining to the subject, including: Western Floral Decoration, Ohara Ikebana, Botanical Painting, Sumi Painting.It has contacts and collaborations with the Botanical Garden of Rome-University La Sapienza, Japanese Cultural Institute, Floraviva, Aipan.Since 2021 it has a new space, "Spazio Arti Floreali," dedicated to exhibitions, displays, meetings and conferences, at vicolo della Campanella, 42.

Events at Rome Art Week
“URGENT LOCAL CALL” by Paola Gandolfi curated by Bianca Pedace.
23 Oct 2023 | 17:30-20:00
“URGENT LOCAL CALL” by Paola Gandolfi curated by Bianca Pedace.
Proiezione del video “CHIAMATA URBANA URGENTE” di Paola Gandolfi.
Free access
Studio Arti Floreali
Vicolo della Campanella, 42
Image not present
24 Oct 2023 | 17:30-19:30
The author and the curator will meet the public on Tuesday 24 October at 5.30pm.

Free access
Studio Arti Floreali
Vicolo della Campanella, 42
24 Oct-04 Nov 2022
Photos Polaroid Collage by Stefano Fontebasso De Martino
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Studio Arti Floreali
Vicolo della Campanella, 42
Image not present
27 Oct 2022 | 17:30-20:30
Meeting with the Author, Stefano Fontebasso De Martino
The author will be in the Gallery to answer questions about his work.
Free access
Studio Arti Floreali
Vicolo della Campanella, 42
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