Domenico Cordi
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Name:                         Domenico Cordì    

Place of birth: Catanzaro (Italy)

Date:               07-09-1979

Address:         Traversa 1° degli Svevi, 7

                        88100 Catanzaro (Italy)

Mobile:            + 39 340 830 9773







Graduated in 2008, first level degree in Graphic at “Accademia di Belle Arti di Catanzaro” (Art Academy).




2013 Restyling of public park “Villa Pepe” of Catanzaro City


2012 Wall decorations, draft by the artist Daniel Buren for “Costruire sulle vestigia: impermanenze”. Opere in situ (Construire sur des vestiges, d’un éphémère à l’autre. Travaux in situ)” exhibition at MARCA Museum of Catanzaro.


2010 Wall decorations, projected by the designer Alessandro Mendini for “Alchimie, dal Controdesign alle Nuove Utopie” exhibition at MARCA Museum of Catanzaro.




2011 Bursay of Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art at -Art Omi International Artists Residency, Ghent - New York.


2010 Special Award IV edition Premio Mario Razzano, Biennale di Benevento.


2010 1st place at “III International Prize of Painting, Sculpture and Poetry: Il Fuoco Sacro Dell’arte”, UNICAL University in Cosenza (Italy), curated by the PUL. Cultural Association.




2010 ARCOS Musem in Benevento (Italy), work “no title”





2014 Accademia di Belle Arti di Catanzaro, work “no title”


2012 Art Omi International Artists Residency,  Ghent (NY), work “no title”


2012 MAON Museum, Cosenza (CS, Italy) work “no title (wheelbarrow)”








2017 “Mater Terra”

MAM museum, Cosenza (CS,Italy)

Curated by Marilena Morabito


2016 “Sheaths, Colors & Dog’s Life”

La Curva Art Gallery, Ibiza (Spain)


2016 “Resilienza”

Casa d’Arte Miglio, Catanzaro (CZ,Italy)


2016 “ArtStuttgart”

Porche Arena, Stuttgart (DE)


2016 “I’M ON FIRE”

Ellebi Gallery, Cosenza (CS, Italy)

curated by Martina Cavallarin


2014 “Il Pensiero Tattile”

Ellebi Gallery, Cosenza (CS, Italy)

curated by Loredana Barillaro


2014 “40° Anniversary”

Giovanni Palace, Catanzaro (CZ, Italy) curated by A.B.A. Catanzaro


2014 Ne.T.Exhibition Calabria Contemporanea – “Il Bello Educa”,

Ex mercato Coperto, Cittanova (RC, Italy)

curated by L. Caccia


2013 “Oltre il Ponte” Giornata del Contemporaneo, Gibellina (TP, Italy),

curated by F. De Chirico


2013 “Immanente Trascendente”

City Police headquarters (CZ, Italy)

curated by A.Romoli Barberini

and T. Sicoli


2013 ”SeiSud”, S.Antonio  Portuguese

Institute Rome (I.P.S.A.R.) Rome (Italy)

curated by A. R. Barberini


2012 “Collezionando”

Ellebi Gallery, Cosenza (Italy)

curated by M. Sirangelo


2012 “SeiSud” Bonioni Art Gallery

Reggio Emilia (Italy)

curated by Andrea Romoli Barberini


2012 “SeiSud” Genus Gallery

San Benedetto del Tronto (AP, Italy)

curated by A. R. Barberini


2011 “SeiSud”

Tartaruga’s Gallery, Rome (Italy)

curated by A. R. Barberini


2011 “SeiSud”

Gianicolo Gallery, Perugia (Italy)

curated by A. R. Barberini


2011 “Divieto di affissione”

Giovani Avanguardie dal Sud del Mondo Studio Terracciano, Rome (Italy)

curated by G. Ippolito.


2011 “Punto Critico”

Museo del Presente, Cosenza (Italy)

curated by R. Sottile, T. Sicoli


2011 “Zone Scoperte 3”

Province Palace of Catanzaro, CZ (Italy)curated by A. R. Barberini


2011 “SeiSud”,

Ducal Palace of Gubbio, Perugia (Italy) curated by A. R. Barberini



2011 “Open Space I la dimensione umana del contemporaneo”

National Gallery of Cosenza (Italy)

curated by F. De Chirico and C. Cipriani


2011 “Limen Arte” International Prize

Gagliardi Palace, Vibo Valentia (Italy)


2010 “Slang Segmenti di arte contemporanea”

Museo del Presente, Cosenza (Italy)

curated by T. Sicoli, L. Magli

and R. Sottile


2010 “Agorà Percorsi d’Arte Musica e Gastronomia”, Pantaguel

Rende Cosenza (Italy)


2009 “Ventiperventi”

Terza Mostra Internazionale

del Piccolo Formato, Naples (Italy)

curated by Officina Creativa Lineadarte


2009 “Zone Scoperte 2”

Province Palace of Catanzaro, CZ (Italy)

curated by A. R. Barberini


2009 “IoOltre: viaggio dentro lo sguardo inventore”, Tirabouchon, Rome (Italy)

curated by ArteOltre


2008 “Arte e vino”

Palace of Fermento, Caulonia (Italy)


2008 “La terra ha bisogno degli uomini” Reggia di Caserta, Caserta (Italy)

curated by F. Ruggiero

Events at Rome Art Week
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