Carlo Miccio
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Born 52 years ago in Florence and living in Latina, where he works with asylum seekers and political refugee..

He started working with the digital media long time ago, initally with the  vj-ing live show Pornosemiotika, part of which can be seen on YouTube.From 2006 he took part to a number of solo and collective exhibitions, in Latina, Rome, Turin, London, Narni.In 2014 he was included among the 150 most exciting illustrators of the world in Taschen's “Illustration 5” compendium. His works have been published as well on Graphic Style Lab (Rockport,USA), textbook used by Harvard University for its courses of creative communicatione.

In the spring of 2017 he has published his first novel, La Trappola del Fuorigioco (The Offside Trap) for Collana 180 of Alphabeta Verlag Edition.

His website is

Here is an interview in english about his work:

Events at Rome Art Week
09-14 Oct 2017
Artefatti Digitali e Sentimenti Bolscevichi
Free access
Studio ZO_NE
Via delle Zoccolette, 36
09 Oct 2017 | 18:30
Artefatti Digitali e Sentimenti Bolscevichi
Free access
Studio ZO_NE
Via delle Zoccolette, 36
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