APS Stamperia del Tevere
Works from the SdT archives, and M2M, historical graphics of artists printed by master engraver and printmaker Moussa Aziz Abdayem will be exhibited, On the Occasion of RAW there will be 2 demonstrations of intaglio and xylographic printing. on Oct. 26 an open lab day with educational workshops dedicated to Tiber Printworks members. In closing of RAW the exhibition of the 2 teachers of the SdT workshops C. Venturi and A. Fornaci.
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The Experimental Laboratory of Engraving Stamperia del Tevere was born in 2002 from the idea of Alessandro Fornaci (Vantiber) to create an independent place for experimentation, development and dissemination of original engraved graphics. After his studies at the Istituto Statale d'Arte in Rome, Silvio D'amico, and thanks to the fruitful attendance of the "KAUS" International Center for Artistic Engraving in Urbino, Vantiber began to deepen and experiment independently with calco/xylographic techniques. In 2004 the opportunity arose to collaborate with the exhibition space "Galleria S. Francesco a Ripa" in the Roman district of Trastevere, which soon diverted its exhibition and workshop activities exclusively to graphic art. It was in 2009 that together with five other members he officially established himself with headquarters in Via di S. Francesco a Ripa, 69 as the socio-cultural recreational association "Stamperia del Tevere" and began to take its first steps also on the international scene, initiating over the years numerous collaborations with artists, institutions, universities and associations engaged in the world of graphic art between Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, England, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, Hungary, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, the United States, South Korea, South Africa and Argentina, carrying out cultural exchanges with exhibitions, traditional and experimental workshops, artistic residencies, fine editions, master classes, conferences, symposiums and expecialized professional training.

● Since 2009 in collaboration with Bruno Aller and the association "I Diagonali" the Stamperia del Tevere has been privately printing for more than a decade and on behalf of the "Club 365 Arte e Pensieri" in Rome and "Edizioni il Salice" in Locarno, curated by Manlio Monti, numerous matrices by some of the leading contemporary Italian interpreters, also promoting exhibitions and retrospectives focused on the analysis of technical and conceptual processes from the '50s to the present, among whom are: Pasquale Santoro, Carlo Lorenzetti, Teodosio Magnoni, Luigi Boille, Giancarla Frare, Patrizio Di Sciullo, Elena Molena, Carlo Nangeroni, Alfredo Bartolomeoli, Salvatore Provino, Pino Reggiani, Carlo Venturi and many others.

● Since 2009, he has organized numerous events and exhibitions such as: "Said by Engraved" masters of graphic art in comparison; "Opera Incisa," retrospectives of contemporary performers; "La Découverte de la Gravure" new levers of engraved graphics; "Ma-Ter/Ter-Ra" ternary programming of graphic art; "Materia Incisa" contemporary arts collective; "Magna Opuscola" small works by great masters; "Reflections of Matter" artistic engraving between tradition and innovation; "Art - ecology of mind" artists interpreters for peace; "Procured Alarm" contemporary art exhibition on what is seen in the sky; "Cosmic Consensus" what agrees in tone vibrates together.

● In 2010, the collaboration of Laura Peres will also stimulate attention to heliographic, analog photographic and photogravure processes, direct consequences of the traditional engraving experience, expanding with time the field of interest also towards digital and electromechanical processes. Laura Peres, Francesco Capponi, Daniele Cinciripini, Sandro Moscogiuri and many other photographers will participate in the exhibition activities of the Printworks, also organizing workshops and laboratories of cyanotype, calotype, collodion and other helio/photographic processes.

● In 2010, thanks to the collaboration of Valerio Canulli, 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving, numerically controlled pantography, photogravure from UV plotter and cutting plotter will begin to be integrated with traditional printing processes, opening up an infinite amount of possible fusions between the manual tradition of the past and the technological potential of today.

● In 2011, with the advice of sound physicist Prof. Paolo Camiz and Tibetan monk Dam Choi Lama, experiments on the fluidization of aquatinting through the harmonic resonance of Tibetan bells were initiated, leading with Francesco Bianchino to the use of frequency modulators acoustic boxes and electromagnetic oscillators.

● In 2012 The Association is called as a jury for the selections of the "City of Castelleone" Graphics and Arts Biennial. https://www.repertoriobagnacavallo.it/incisori/premio.do?id=1137

● In 2018 on the outskirts of the tenth anniversary of its official establishment, the Tiber Printworks has gone through a phase of dynamic growth and renewal, leaving its small Trastevere headquarters and moving its Legal Headquarters to the controversial Corviale neighborhood with the "LABORINTUS" project, with the intention of restarting, in a difficult peripheral context, a cultural ecosystem precisely from engraving. It organizes within its laboratories in Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89/c within what has been called "Piazzetta delle Arti e dell'Artigianato" courses, seminars, master classes, artistic residencies and exhibition events, the latter in the corner called "Concrete Gallery."

● In recent years, Stamperia del Tevere has distinguished itself by participating in international forums and symposia of the highest level, collaborating with such culturally important structures as the "PATA - Printmaking And Textile Art Courses" in Lódz, Poland; the Ass. ne "Ars-Graphica," with the Forum "Graphic Art in Dialogue," which included the participation of the Belgic Academy, the Vatican Library and the Central Institute for Graphics; l'"Atelier Empreinte" of Luxembourg in the "International Contemporary Print Making Forum/Exhibition," where the Printworks held a workshop on the application of screen printing to chalcographic printing held by Prof. Cecilia Giampaoli. It collaborated in 2018 with "Temple University" in Rome in the selection of works and with a specific text on the Roman situation of Graphic Art in the Catalogue "Print Think, The Eternal Return: History, Culture, and Contemporary Italian Printmaking," exhibiting its artists at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture in Rome. With the help of Carlo Venturi, creative director, and other very capable associated printmakers and engravers, including: Ferdinando Fedele, Valerio Landi, Usama Saad, Josè Witteveen, Angelica Balducci, Anne Mellan, Maria Semmer, Maria Maqueira, Raffaella Ravelli, Barbara Martini, and Cecilia Giampaoli, and counting on the support of honorary members selected from among the leading international contemporary performers: Bruno Aller, Alfredo Bartolomeoli, Marina Bindella, Elisabetta Diamanti, Malgorzata Chomic, Alicja Habisiak Matczak, Pasquale Santoro, Carlo Lorenzetti, Teodosio Magnoni, Egidiyus Rudinskas, Stanislav Waiman, Manlio Monti, Achille Pace, and Giuliano Santini it is intended to plan a calendar of in-depth meetings on contemporary reproduction techniques in a perspective of both technical and cultural dialogue and exchange.

● In 2021 La Stamperia del Tevere joined the Protocol of Understanding promoted by the Ass.ne "Corviale Domani" with the participation of A.T.E.R. (Azienda Territoriale per l'Edilizia Residenziale) of Rome, the Lazio Region and the Municipality of Rome in a co-participated project for the Cultural and Social regeneration of the Corviale quadrant, where it currently has its Legal headquarters in the Piazza delle Arti at Via Marino Mazzacurati 89/C, actively collaborating with the "Laboratorio di Città" of the Department of Architecture of the University of Roma Tre and the "Mitreo Arte Contemporanea".

● Also in 2021, he was commissioned by the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome to create copper-engraved portraits of the last five presidents to complete the collection in the Council Chamber on Via Vittoria in Rome.

● In 2021 one year after the passing of Moussa Aziz Abdayem, a master engraver who was very close to the Tiber Printworks, he took on the task of taking care of the general archive of the master's work and the publishing activities of his historic printworks "M2M" where plates of some of the most important masters of the 1970s/90s such as: Jean Mirò, Sebastian Matta, André Masson, C. Y. Twombly and many other prominent Italian authors such as: Fazzini, Montanarini, Brindisi, Pirandello, Cesetti, Severini, Cagli, Sughi, Gentilini, Takis, Monachesi and many others. Stamperia del Tevere, in collaboration with the Municipality of Castelnuovo di Porto is part of the scientific committee and curatorship of the exhibition "Moussa - The Sinuous Sign of Beauty," which will open at Palazzo Ducale, Rocca Colonna in Castelnuovo di Porto on April 29, 2022, under the patronage of the Academies of Fine Arts of Rome, Frosinone, Sassari and Bologna, making for the occasion demonstrations and engraving workshops open to the public free of charge during the 5 months of the exhibition's opening.

● In 2022 Participates in the "Videomapping Pasolini - Corviale" project of the FLYER Company promoted by the Municipality of Rome dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini, with didactic workshop activities of traditional engraving for the production of the subjects to be projected in the monumental Videomapping at the closing of the event.

● Also in 2022 Organizes in collaboration with the M2M Archive and the Municipality of Castelnuovo di Porto the Festival "Detto per Inciso V Ed." in the halls of the Ducal Palace "Rocca Colonna," with exhibition events, forums and educational workshops. Promotes with the association "SPECTRE" the birth of the specialized training project "ARS AUREA" and the exhibition review "The Taste of Signs" Great Masters and International Excellencies of contemporary engraved graphics, on the occasion of the event "Gustatus 2023" in the hall of the Polveriera Guzmán in Orbetello (GR); carrying out basic workshops in traditional engraving techniques both to young students of primary and secondary schools in the area and a series of fixed meetings with students of the Grosseto High School of Art.

● In February 2023, Stamperia del Tevere amends its Bylaws to register with the RUNTS (Single National Register of the Third Sector) following the adaptation of the CTS (Code of the Third Sector) becoming an Association of Social Promotion.

Inaugurates in June of the same year in collaboration with the Municipality of Castelnuovo di Porto and the "M2M" Archive the CIGIMA International Center for Engraved Graphics - Moussa Abdayem inside the Palazzo Ducale Rocca Colonna in Castelnuovo di Porto.https://www.stamperiadeltevere.it/cigima/

LINK: https://martelive.it/procult/itemlist/tag/Stamperia{81b201d69bed77ba694af079f562d7ad6791274f391d13857f809174d93894bb}20del{81b201d69bed77ba694af079f562d7ad6791274f391d13857f809174d93894bb}20Tevere





Events at Rome Art Week
The Sign/Color between Figure and Abstraction
13-26 Oct 2023
The Sign/Color between Figure and Abstraction
From the M2M and SdT Archives a selection of graphic Masterpieces
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:30
Stamperia del Tevere
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89 c
Image not present
23-28 Oct 2023
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 16:30-23:30
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89
Art Printmaking Demonstrations
23 Oct 2023 | 19:00-20:30
Art Printmaking Demonstrations
Carlo Venturi and Alessandro Fornaci at the printing press
Free access
Stamperia del Tevere
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89 c
Opening Party per Raw
23 Oct 2023 | 10:30-23:30
Opening Party per Raw
Photo/Graphic Exhibition, Video Projections, Dj Set
Free access
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89
Image not present
25 Oct 2023 | 18:00-22:00
People of Love and Rage
Projection of "People of Love and Rage", aperitif and debate whit the director
Free access
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89
25 Oct 2023 | 15:00-18:00
Visita al Museo delle Memorie - Laboratorio di Città Corviale
Free access
Laboratorio di Città Corviale
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89
The Sign, the Meaning, the Significance
26 Oct 2023 | 15:00-19:00
The Sign, the Meaning, the Significance
Workshop in direct intaglio and linocut techniques. max 25 student
Event on Reservation
Stamperia del Tevere
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89 c
27 Oct 2023 | 10:30-18:00
open workshop on CYANOTYPE technique
Free access
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89
28 Oct 2023 | 10:30-18:00
Free access
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89
28 Oct 2023 | 18:00-23:30
movie projection and R.A.W. closing party
Free access
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89
28 Oct-10 Nov 2023
L'Arcobaleno - Cosmoagonia
Carlo Venturi and Alessandro Fornaci exhibit their recent graphic productions
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 28 Oct 2023 | 18:00-23:00
Stamperia del Tevere
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89 c
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