Art Gallery Gregorio VII
Art Gallery Gregorio VII: an eclectic exhibition space, famous for the sale of antiques since the seventies, inside which the period furniture is accompanied by the most current decorative accessories, in a mutual enhancement. A story of passion and love for beautiful things, which began with Umberto Scribano, founder of the company, and carried on with pride today by his daughter Laura, together with Luigi Rosa and Peter Manchia.
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Our Gallery in Via Gregorio VII 274 is famous in Rome for the sale of antiques since the 70s, when my father, Umberto Scribano, founded this company after falling in love with this splendid profession following a trip in England.

Now I, Laura Scribano, her daughter, continue her journey together with Peter manchia, trying to carry it forward with the same love and dedication to customers, but with a more streamlined vision of furniture, attentive to the ancient costume but more in line with the current times through Contemporary Art.

For this reason we have decided to create an exhibition space dedicated to Contemporary Art within our gallery, in the belief that the two styles can coexist and enhance each other.

We host contemporary themed exhibitions and collateral events always included in the same context. Inside the Gallery it will be possible to admire and buy paintings and sculptures by artists that we believe are valid under the ertistic and economic aspect.

Events at Rome Art Week
Arte e Benessere - Esperienza guidata con la psicologa della salute Simona D
25 Oct 2022 | 18:00
Arte e Benessere - Esperienza guidata con la psicologa della salute Simona D'Arcangeli
Scoprire un'opera d'arte attraverso una visione lenta e consapevole
Event on Reservation
Art Gallery Gregorio VII
Via Gregorio VII 274
Arte in cammino sulla strada dei Papi
30 Oct-06 Nov 2021
Arte in cammino sulla strada dei Papi
Mostra collettiva della Puglia
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 30 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:30
Art Gallery Gregorio VII
Via Gregorio VII 274
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