L’acquaforte di Luigi Ferranti
In his print-making workshop in the center of Rome, Luigi Ferranti dedicates himself to lithography and various intaglio techniques (etching, ceramolle, aquatint, burin, drypoint, black manner), still using exclusively the ancient "by-hand" system, using ancient presses from undisputed historical-ethnographic value and at the same time remaining open to the experimentation of combinations between ancient techniques and new forms of graphic arts.
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Events at Rome Art Week
28-29 Oct 2021
works on paper ofEclario Barone, Luigi Caflisch, Silvia Giudi & Paolo Porelli
Free access
Vernissage Thursday 28 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:30
L’acquaforte di Luigi Ferranti
Via dell'Arco del Monte 99
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