Teatri di Luna ASD APS
The Association of Social Promotion and Amateur Sports TEATRI DI LUNA pays particular attention to the aggregative moments of its members, to solicit their participation in cultural and artistic activities, producing art and entertainment in its various forms: drama, music, dance and theater dance, theatrical readings, installations, performances and set-ups, training courses and workshops in public and private schools.
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The Association pursues the aims and purposes of promoting and managing as an expression of participation, solidarity, civic commitment, volunteering and pluralism, cultural, recreational, welfare, training, motor sport and tourism initiatives and activities.

In this perspective, the Association pays particular attention to the aggregative and recreational moments of its members with a view to enhancing the active behaviors of the same members, also in order to determine the conditions for a broader and more extensive cultural action of social interest aimed at involve the highest number of people in the realization of their own goals and objectives.

Specifically, the association promotes and produces art and entertainment activities in its various forms: prose theater, storytelling, music, dance and dance theater, theatrical readings for adults and children, installations, performances and set-ups, production and dissemination of audiovisuals , training courses and laboratories in the theatrical field at public and private schools, institutions and groups of individuals; designs and carries out cultural and artistic events and initiatives.

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
24-29 Oct 2022
Down the mask
Exhibition of paintings, sculptures, ceramics - Creative and theatrical moment
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-19:30
Spazio d'arte 2020 aps
Via Giuseppe Cerbara 44/46
Image not present
28 Oct 2022 | 17:30-21:00
Down the mask -Performance
Exhibition of paintings, sculptures and ceramics and theatrical performance
Event on Reservation
Galleria Spazio d’Arte 2020
Via Giuseppe Cerbara 44/46
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