Hotel Genova
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The Hotel Genova in Rome welcomes guests in a distinguished Umbertine palazzo in the Esquilino district, featuring fine furnishings and elegant decor in every detail, including all the most modern amenities and services.

Venetian terrazzo floors, stuccoes, refined wainscoting and large bay windows lighting the main lobby are just a few of the elements that provide each traveler with a pleasant sensation of modernity, sobriety and elegance.

Events at Rome Art Week
Massimo Mencarelli – La fluidità dell’Io
21 Oct-21 Nov 2022
Massimo Mencarelli – La fluidità dell’Io
L'arte di Massimo Mencarelli si muove tra l'astratto e il figurativo
Event on Reservation
Vernissage Friday 21 Oct 2022 | 19:00-23:00
Hotel Genova
Via Cavour 25
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