Centro di Documentazione della Ricerca Artistica Contemporanea Luigi Di Sarro
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The "Luigi Di Sarro Center for Documentation of Contemporary Artistic Research," a nonprofit association active in Rome since 1981, deals with art and culture. The Center, named after the artist who died tragically in Rome on Feb. 24, 1979-at just 37 years old-was founded by Luigi Di Sarro's family members, who still run it in the spirit with which the artist always lived: great freedom of thought and interest in all forms of experimentation.For more than 40 years the Luigi Di Sarro Center has worked to promote the work of young artists. Today, in addition to its exhibition activities, it also serves as a Center for the Study of Contemporary Art, with exhibitions and publications that aim to investigate the last few decades. The Center also implements international exchange projects under the umbrella of the ARP-Art Residency Project with the idea of having artists travel between different countries to develop opportunities for cultural and professional dialogue. ARP in fact carries out trips for educational purposes, whose beneficiaries are young artists/artists or curators/curators active in the various disciplines of contemporary visual arts, through participation in exchange projects that fall within its scope.

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