Nicola Guerraz
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Nicola Guerraz was born in Rome. He has graduated in History of Art from the Università La Sapienza, Rome, “Ancien Eleve at l’Ecole Du Louvre”, Paris. He currently lives and works between Rome, Paris, Zurich, Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro. 

Guerraz was born literate and finds himself today living as an artist for and with his art. With its conceptual art, the look of each guest goes beyond the aesthetic appreciation of one of his works. In his works, mostly on canvas, but also on different wood and metal, Guerraz reinterprets his playful language by re-emerging his own life, while persisting in him, always and everywhere, only one constant: positivity. The words become art "to the innumerable power" in which nothing is eternally definable, everything can change and from this the will of Guerraz to emphasize that since verba volant, as graffiti scratched for eternity, black on white, white on white, red on green acid, color after color, matter by material, letters on canvases or other support materials, form essential phrases that would otherwise become overwhelming in their overflow.


2017 ROMA – Ikonos – Sorensen – Galleria Bosi

2016 ROMA – Villa Agrippina – Accademia Costume & Moda – Villa Brasini Beauty Clinic

2015 ROMA – Hedy Martinelli (Pitto-Poesie) – M’ (Firecages) – Sorensen – Galleria Bosi – Sfera Design – Piazza di Spagna 9 – Ikonos MILANO – Fuori Salone del Mobile_Piazza di Spagna 9. Superstudio

2014 ROMA – Sorensen – Piazza di Spagna 9

– Ikonos – Via del Babuino 49 – Opificio Arte Contemporanea – Sfera Design – Galleria Bosi – Via Borgognona _”Spazio Fendi” – Mad Zone Gallery

2013 ROMA – Opificio Arte Contemporanea

2012 ROMA – MATERIA flowers – Bosi Art Gallery – Sfera 8 Interior Design Art – Via Borgognona _”Spazio Fendi”

2011 ROMA – Via Dei Volsci a cura di Miriam Castelnuovo collettiva – Bosi Art Gallery – FENDI The italian handmaking ability – Borghetto Flaminio – Sfera design FIRECAGES – Loto Interior Design — Fabula in Art_Musei di S. Salvatore in Lauro – Palazzo Fendi_Fatto a Mano for the Future MILANO – Fendi_Fuori Salone del Mobile

2010 ROMA – Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei – InOut Design – Fire Cages_Eurogarden – Accessible Art_Animalier – White Gallery

2009 ROMA

– Sorensen Consulting – Palazzo Colonna Bloomsbury – Open Colonna_Palazzo delle Esposizioni FRASCATI – Villa Aldobrandini Ecofest

2008 ROMA – Fondazione De Chirico – Galleria Cà d’Oro CANNES – Fendi per A.M.F.A.R. ROMA – Palazzo della Cancelleria – Ikonos – Palazzo delle Esposizioni

2006 ROMA – Museo Ara Pacis – Studio Bistolfi

2004 ROMA – Museo del Vittoriano

2000 AOSTA – Tour Fromage

1999 ROMA – Home Gallery Fazioli

1998 SARAJEVO – Collegium Artisticum Sarajevo RIMINI – AAST Rimini FINALE EMILIA – Castello Gonzaga


FERRARA – Pinacoteca di Ferrara PIACENZA – Comune di Piacenza CERVIA – Magazzini del Sale BOLOGNA – Tecno S.p.A. RICCIONE – Palazzo del Turismo FIRENZE – La Bottega di Cimabue

1996 PARMA – International Line

1994 ANSEDONIA – Vinicio

1993 MILANO – Spazio Hedy Martinelli

1992 MILANO – Studio D’Ars

1991 FERRARA – Galleria 9 Colonne PARMA – Studio

Events at Rome Art Week
"Total White" Guerraz
13 Oct 2017 | 18:00
"Total White" Guerraz
Baroque minimalism
Free access
Galleria Bosi
Via Como, 2
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