il7 - Marco Settembre
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Il7 – Marco Settembre has a double profile: as a visual artist and as a writer. Graduated cum laude in 2000 in Sociology (with specialization in Communication) and journalist with the regular card from 2012 but active as cultural reporter already since 2008, he started the exhibition activity as painter in 1990, evolving during the decade and beyond, and gaining an important recognition in 1996 by being selected among the winners of the public contest of Comune di Roma named “Art in Rome”. He initially express a post-surrealism, both with oil on canvas and with a particular kind of collage. Among the most important exhibition: two collective shows at the Galleria Palazzo Margutta, in Via Margutta, the well-known street of the artists in Rome; another collective at the Romania Academy (Special Jury Prize); personal shows at the Casale del Podere Rosa (House of the Pink Farm, a social center in Rome) and at the cultural association Controchiave (Second Key), Rome; collective exhibition at the European Center for the Arts and Culture – Palazzo del Vignola in Todi (Umbria, Center Italy). From 1995 his collage turns deafinitely to the underground style, coherent with the general sense of his research, that gets inclined to exhistential pessimism, socio-political critics and environmental anxiety, involving, beside the consumed and scratched papers - selfproduced or "found" in the Duchamp sense - also video and unusual materials like poliuretanic foam, elecrtric wires, small wooden trunks, xerographic elaborations and recycled objects. In 2007 starts a wide research in photography on decay and mistery in a Rome seen as a modern metropolis deprived of its historical identity, and rather showed in discouraging and/or enigmatic glimpses, details and foreshortening views, like in a international cinematographic noir. In 2013 il7 begins to work with the Galleria Gallerati in Rome, specialized in photography, that inserts him and some of his operas in three different catalogs: “Second Project Portflolio” (November 2013), “Mixed Media” (Giugno 2015), “Fuori 7” (Out 7 - December 2016 – January 2017). Recently he binds himself also to the gallery Ospizio Giovani Artisti, joined in the circuit RAW - Rome Art Week, taking part in three collective exhibitions as “Oggetti di ferma” (on still life) and “La collezione viandante” (on voyage), both in 2017, and “La collezione volante” (on flight), 2018, and in those three shows - being il7 a writer as well, by now - implements an integration of his actual main expressive languages – photography and text: each time a photographic work of his comes to be supplied by a performative reading of an episode of his huge experimental novel, cyberpunk and grotesque, "Progetto NO" (“Project NO”), ranked 2nd in 2010 at the national multiartistic contest MArte Live (section Literature). He publish “Esterno, giorno”("Outdoor, daylight" - EdiLet, 2011), the anthology “Elucubrazioni a buffo!” ("Elucubrations kinda funny!" - EdiLet, 2015) - for which he received 5 reviews and 3 interviews - and “Ritorno a Locus Solus” ("Back to Locus Solus" - Edizioni Collàge de ‘Pataphysique, 2018), that is a short sequel of the well known "Locus Solus", the novel of the french proto-surrealist/proto-pataphyisic writer Raymond Roussel. During the years il7 held several readings in many other locations in Rome - apart Ospizio Giovani Artisti - among which the Alpheus, the Centro Elsa Morante, the MetaTeatro, and the TraLeVolte of Porta S. Giovanni Square. In 2013 the n. 7 of the italo-american magazine of underground culture "NIGHT Italia" spends a wide page for il7 and his “Progetto NO”. From 2017 he is the Di-Rector of the Dècollage of ‘Pataphysics of Rome.

Events at Rome Art Week
Nudity - finissage + reading
22 Oct 2019 | 18:00
Nudity - finissage + reading
The multiform and infinite expressiveness offered by the naked human body...
Free access
Ospizio Giovani Artisti
Via Cernaia, 15
il7 - Marco Settembre
23 Oct 2018 | 19:00-19:30
il7 - Marco Settembre

Free access
Open Studio
Ospizio Giovani Artisti
Via Cernaia 15
In Memoriam - opening
23 Oct 2018
In Memoriam - opening
The death and the memory of those who left us are the themes of the exhibition.
Free access
Vernissage Monday 12 Apr 2021 | 18:00
Ospizio Giovani Artisti
Via Cernaia, 15
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