Antonio Finelli
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Antonio Finelli (1985), is a young artist from Molise (Italy). Lives and works between Rome and Campobasso.His artistic education starts (during) Secondary High School Art project G. Manzù in Campobasso, after that he moves to Rome to improve his artistic talent in the Academy of Fine Arts.The drawings which characterize his work and his research are the “Self-portraits”: made with graphite on paper, they represent the signs of the time on the skin.

Notable importance for his professional education was the acquaintance and the collaboration with world famous artists : Mimmo Paladino, Enzo Cucchi, Giosetta Fioroni, Luigi Ontani, Carla Accardi, Felice Levini, Giuseppe Penone, Savinio Ruggero, Gianni Dessì, Giuseppe Gallo, Giuseppe Salvatori, Jannis Kounellis, Paola Gandolfi, Stefano Di Stasio, Piero Pizzi Cannella, Bruno Ceccobelli, Maurizio Mochetti, Andrea Aquilanti, Marilù Eustachio, Aldo Turchiaro, Alfredo Pirri… 


Personal Exhibitions Selection



– “Kalós” Aurelia Nicolosi curator, KōArt Unconventional Place Gallery in Catania.

– “The Passage of Time” Maria Laura Perilli Curator,Triphè Gallery in Rome.


– “Ecce Homo” Vittorio Sgarbi Curator, Atelier Marcello Tommasi in Florence.

– “BocsART”(Artist House), Alberto Dambruoso curator, Cosenza.

2016– “Pelle” Vittorio Sgarbi and Lorenzo Canova curators, Spazio Cent8anta in Isernia.2015– “L’Illusione del Corpo” Lorenzo Canova and Piernicola Maria Di Iorio curators, Aratro Gallery – Archive of Electronic Arts – Laboratory for Contemporary Art in Campobasso.2014– “Rendez-vous” Alessandra Tontini curator, Incontro d’Arte Gallery in Rome– “De Senectute” Maria Laura Perilli curator, Triphè Gallery in Cortona (AR).2013– “Antonio Finelli: l’Osservatore del Tempo” Franco Fonzo and Roberta Gubitosi curators, introduced by Mimmo Paladino, Web Art Gallery in Treviso.– “Se non la Realtà” curated by “TerraNullius”, Aranciera di San Sisto in Rome.2012– “De Passage” (Artist House), introduced by Mimmo Paladino, Abbaye de Léhon in Dinan (France).


Collective Exhibitions Selection


2018– “La Società della Stanchezza – Dispositio ex Clausione Linearum” (Artist House), Museo Diocesano San Matteo in Salerno.

2017– “Five”, Catania Art Gallery in Catania.– “Ricognizioni”, BoCs Art Museum / Complesso Monumentale di San Domenico in Cosenza.

2016– “Anamorfosi”, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea Montevergini in Siracusa.– “Pio Alferano Award” (Award of the President of the Jury Vittorio Sgarbi), Castello dell’ Abate in Castellabate (SA).2015– EXPO 2015 “Il Tesoro d’Italia”, Eataly Pavilion (expo area), Milano.– “48° Vasto Award”, Stables of Palace Aragona in Vasto (CH).– “Expo Arte Contemporanea Italiana”, Villa Bagatti Valsecchi in Varedo (MB).2014– “Reale” Bruno D’Arcevia – Antonio Finelli – Paul Kostabi, Kunsthaus Sottecchi in Messina.2013– “Biennale Internazionale d’Arte Di Palermo”, Malfitano Whitaker Palace in Palermo.– “ArtePerOGGI 2013 Award”, Dioscuri Theatre, Rome – Quirinale.– “Revelations in Reality”, 287 Spring Gallery in New York.– “6 + 1”, Incontro d’Arte Gallery in Rome.– “Art Fair Miami Beach”, Miami Beach U.S.A.– “Ritratti d’Autore”, Stelline Foundation in Milano.2012– ” ArtePerOGGI 2012 Award” (First classified), Dioscuri Theatre, Rome – Quirinale.– “The ways of art”, Crisolart Gallery in NEW YORK.– “Arte in Fiera Dolomiti Aword” (First classified), Longarone Fairs in Longarone (BL).– “Il Ritratto: Apparenza ed Enigma”, 11 Dreams Art Gallery in Tortona (AL).– “Muri, Metamorfosi e Dintorni”, Laboratory Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome.2011– “ArtePerOGGI 2011 Award” (Second classified), Dioscuri Theatre, Rome – Quirinale.– “Arteria 2011” Valle Theatre in Chiaravalle (AN).2010– “Caravaggio Ombre e Mistero”, O.A.D. Gallery in Rome.– “Saturaprize” (First Classified), Stella Palace in Genova.– “10° Concorso Nazionale di Pittura e Scultura” (Third classified), Arengo del Broletto Hall in Novara.2009– “Biennale di Firenze” Fortezza da Basso in Florence.– “ARTIST 2009/19. Istanbul Sanat Fuari”,TÜYAP Fair in Istanbul.

Events at Rome Art Week
22-27 Oct 2018
Group exhibition open 22/10 (18.30) 25/10 (16.30 - 19.30) 27/10 (from 18.00)
Free access
Studio d'Arte Pisani
Via Vittor Pisani, 28
27 Oct 2018 | 18:00
Talk a cura di Anna Maria Panzera, con e fra gli artisti di Open Cluster
Free access
Studio d'Arte Pisani
Via Vittor Pisani 28
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