Luca Giannini
His art research ranges between painting, sculpture, photography and design. He lives and works in his home-studio in Rome.
Data and contact details

Luca Giannini attended the courses of painting, sculpture and engraving held by Tullio De Franco, Davide Dormino and Maria Pina Bentivenga at RUFA Art Academy in Rome.
Awarded of the 11st International Massenzio Prize, he has joined several editions of RAW Rome Art Week and has exhibited at various institutional venues (ISA, Rome; Palazzo Chigi, Formello; Spanish Fortress, Porto Santo Stefano; Centro Culturale Elsa Morante, Rome; GAM, Rome; MACRO Testaccio, Rome), private art galleries and architectural spaces in Italy and abroad (Spazio Comel, Latina; Massenzio gallery, Rome; FYR gallery, Florence; Studio Tiepolo 38, Rome; Summerour Architects, Atlanta USA).
His artworks, through different media, investigate the complexity of the relationships between man and nature: maps and books, amphorae and arks, islands and whales, planets and constellations emerge from corrosions, ashes and stratifications of pigments and evoke environmental conflicts, ancient and contemporary migrations, Mediterranean myths and celestial alchemies.






Events at Rome Art Week
Luca Giannini
25 Oct 2024 | 18:00-21:30
Open Studio
Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Luca Giannini
Via Veientana, 37
Luca Giannini
27 Oct 2023 | 18:00-22:00

Free access
Open Studio
Casa Atelier
Via Veientana, 37
Image not present
27 Oct 2023 | 18:00-22:00
Appunti di viaggio di Luca Giannini
Free access
Casa Atelier
via Veietana 37
20 Oct-14 Nov 2020
Carlo D’Orta and Luca Giannini
Free access
Piazza Crati, 14
Luca Giannini
22 Oct 2019 | 18:00-22:00

Free access
Open Studio
Atelier Luca Giannini
Via Veientana, 37
Luca Giannini
11-14 Oct 2017 | 18:00-21:00

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Luca Giannini
Via Veientana, 37
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