Galleria Valentina Bonomo
In the rooms on the ground floor of the ancient Fabi house, then a convent in the fifteenth century, there were exhibitions of Italian and foreign artists of international fame such as L. Moro, E. Cucchi, F. West, D. Tremlett, G. Rubsamen, B. McKee, Mimmo Paladino, Sol LeWitt, Julian Opie, Jannis Kounellis, Moshekwa Langa, Dayanita Singh, Shahzia Sikander, Irene Kung, Stephan Balkenhol, Nunzio who presented projects created specifically for the gallery space.
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Events at Rome Art Week
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19 Oct-17 Nov 2018
Colore non colore
Group show of 18 artists of different generations and backgrounds
Free access
Galleria Valentina Bonomo
Via del Portico d'Ottavia, 13
Miltos Manetas "Μεμορι"
09 Oct 2017 | Time to be defined
Miltos Manetas "Μεμορι"
Prima personale dell'artista al portico d'Ottavia
Free access
Orario non definito
Galleria Valentina Bonomo
Via del Portico d'Ottavia, 13
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