Associazione Officine Fotografiche Roma
Officine Fotografiche Roma is a legally recognised association with the aim of promoting and supporting visual culture. Its headquarters are in Rome and Milan. It is a photography school and a cultural center, and over the years has become a benchmark in both national and international photography scenes. Officine creates, shares and promotes photographic art also thanks to the production of major annual events, such as FotoLeggendo festival.
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Officine Fotografiche Roma is a legally recognised association with the aim of promoting and supporting visual culture. Its headquarters are in Rome and Milan. It is a photography school and a cultural center, open to professionals and experts as well as to passionates, and over the years has become a benchmark in both national and international photography scenes. OF creates, shares and promotes photographic art also thanks to the production of major annual events, such as FotoLeggendo festival.

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
11-20 Oct 2017
Mostra fotografica di Francesco Cocco
Free access
Associazione Officine Fotografiche Roma
Via Giuseppe Libetta, 1
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