Studio Varroni / EOS Libri d’Artista
Studio Varroni has been active since 2012 as an exhibition space to give voice and physicality to a research which has started since the early 90s. It offers meeting opportunities and exhibitions dedicated to artist's books and works on paper, with particular attention also to poetry and literature. The artist and curator Piero Varroni is the soul and creator of the projects in all their phases, from the conception to the realization.
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Events at Rome Art Week
Rewritings - works on paper
12 Oct 2017 | 19:00
Rewritings - works on paper
Works where more language codes are used to give them an aura of original works.
Free access
Studio Varroni / EOS Libri d’Artista
Via Saturnia, 55 - int. 2
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