Acronym is the brainchild of Alessandro Reni and Silvia Dawid Bishay. A place where you can exhibit and sell your works of art without being subject to the constraints imposed by the art market: Artisti CReativi Organizzano Notti di Intrattenimento e MOstre. The main activity of Acronimo will be to promote visual and performing arts.
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Acronym is an idea of Alessandro Reni and Silvia Dawid Bishay.

The project tends to meet some of the needs found over the years, giving artists a place where they can exhibit and sell their artwork without undergoing the constraints imposed by the art market: 

Artisti CReativi Organizzano Notti di Intrattenimento e MOstre

The idea is to make the world of arts more accessible to young people by creating a suitable space to exhibit.It will be a goal to stimulate the contemporary art market and the work of young artists who can not emerge without the help of a big name behind them.The first aim of Acronym will be to promote activities dedicated to visual arts and performative arts.


Events at Rome Art Week
Open sculpture lesson
26 Oct 2019 | 16:00
Open sculpture lesson
Open sculpture lesson by jacopo truffa
Free access
Via Tripoli, 3/b
20-28 Oct 2018
Martina D'Anastasio's solo exhibition at the Acronimo space in Rome
Free access
Via Tripoli, 3/b
Fragile/Infrangibile finissage
22 Oct 2018 | Time to be defined
Fragile/Infrangibile finissage
Martina D'Anastasio's solo exhibition at the Acronimo space in Rome
Free access
Orario non definito
Via Tripoli, 3/b
Martina d
22 Oct 2018 | 16:00
Martina d'Anastasio Performance
Martina D'Anastasio's solo exhibition at the Acronimo space in Rome
Free access
Via Tripoli, 3/b
Block Party
09-16 Oct 2017
Block Party
an event dedicated to street and to everything that comes from it
Free access
Area Contesa Arte
Via Margutta, 90
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