Musia living (&) arts
The Musia project stems from the determination that has always inspired Ovidio Jacorossi: promoting contemporary art as an instrument of creativity for the person and the company. The structure hosts temporary exhibitions, video art, cultural events and sale of multiples, graphics and design objects. At the center of the gallery there is cucinaMusia: restaurant, cafeteria and wine bar with a high creative rate.
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The Musia project comes from the Jacorossi Group's decades of experience - and, in particular, from the determination that has always inspired Ovidio Jacorossi: promoting contemporary art as an instrument of creativity for the person and the company. From here the objectives are derived:

• allow anyone to enter the contemporary art system through a process of interpretation of the work;

• recounting the Jacorossi experience - in a journey between art and business based on the centrality of man in the economic process.

The structure hosts temporary exhibitions, video art, cultural events and sale of multiples, graphics and design objects.

At the center of the gallery there is cucinaMusia: restaurant, cafeteria and wine bar with a high creative rate.

Events at Rome Art Week
23 Oct-03 Nov 2018
Mostra Collettiva: Alessandro Cannistrà – Fabrizio Cicero – Alessandro Rosa
Free access
Musia living (&) arts
Via dei Chiavari 7, 9
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