Spazio Cerere
Spazio Cerere, inside the former Pastificio Cerere in the historic district of San Lorenzo, was conceived by Flavio Misciatelli and Ottavio Celestino. While maintaining its original charm intact, thanks to the restructuring interventions it perfectly responds to every need and becomes the ideal place for conferences, exhibitions, events, photo shoots and film shoots.
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Spazio Cerere, within the old pasta factory Cerere, was created by Flavio Misciatelli and Ottavio Celestino as a new, alternative space for organizing events. The venue, located in the historical San Lorenzo district, is a living example of industrial architecture. Its recovery has allowed to create a unique environment where to organize all types of events: exhibitions, conferences, cocktails, gala dinners, presentations, photo shootings, meetings and conferences.

Events at Rome Art Week
Switch The Rules
25-27 Oct 2018
Switch The Rules
Mostra fotografica del contest " Switch The Rules"
Free access
Spazio Cerere
Via degli Ausoni, 3
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