Horti Lamiani Bettivò
Numerous artistic events were held in the Horti Lamiani Bettivò space or outside it, in other locations, again by the same association. Among these important events, we want to remember the large installation SAGOME 547 (carried out at the Tritone Gallery; at the Farnesina, at the Children's Festival at the French Ministry of Culture; at the Istanbul Art Fair 2011 ...
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Events at Rome Art Week
permission for censorship
25 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:30
permission for censorship
group show
Free access
Horti Lamiani Bettivò
Via Giovanni Giolitti, 163
permission for censorship
25-30 Oct 2021
permission for censorship
group show
Free access
Vernissage Monday 25 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:30
Horti Lamiani Bettivò
Via Giovanni Giolitti, 163
Nonostante tutto
26-31 Oct 2020
Nonostante tutto
mostra collettiva
Free access
Horti Lamiani Bettivò
Via Giovanni Giolitti, 163
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