La Nuvola Arte Contemporanea
The Gallery, formerly located in the courtyard made famous by its presence in the film "Roman Holiday" starring Audrey Hepburn, recently directly on the street, at house number 41 seems to have been set by a skilled goldsmith between the meshes of the history of the street itself, between its cobblestones, each of which, every day, seems to remember every step of those who worked and lived there.
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La Nuvola is a historic contemporary art gallery in Rome, founded in 1999 by Fabio Falsaperla on Via Margutta, now directed by his daughter Alice.

Specializing in the 1960s and 1970s, the gallery is known nationally and internationally for exhibiting the "School of Piazza del Popolo" (Mario Schifano, Franco Angeli, Tano Festa, Mario Ceroli, Sergio Lombardo, Renato Mambor and Cesare Tacchi), Gruppo Forma 1 (Achille Perilli, Carla Accardi), through contemporary.


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