Poste Italiane

A network that unites the country

Poste Italiane constitutes the largest integrated, omnichannel service platform in Italy, active in logistics, mail and parcels, financial and insurance services, payment systems, telephony and the energy market. With more than 160 years of history, about 120,000 employees and 12,800 post offices, 580 billion euros in Invested Financial Assets and 35 million customers, the Group represents a unique reality in terms of size, recognition, capillarity and customer trust.

Its activities, which generated revenues of 11.9 billion euros in 2022, generate significant impacts on the national economy in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), tax revenues, employment and household income: in 2022 the total value of direct, indirect and induced impacts on GDP was 12.9 billion euros.

The Group in 2022 successfully continued on the path of growth and business transformation initiated in 2018, achieving all the main objectives of the Strategic Plans put in place to innovate and develop its distribution networks, consolidate its leadership in digital payments and e-commerce parcel business, and be the main reference point for customers in financial and insurance services.

At the same time, the company has renewed its commitment to support territories and the country, alongside institutions, keeping Sustainability at the center of its strategies, with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.

Silvia Maria Rovere has been President of Poste Italiane since May 2023 and Matteo Del Fante has been CEO and General Manager since April 2017. Giuseppe Lasco has been Co-General Manager since May 2020.

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