OPEN STUDIO - A.I. Artisan Intelligence-

Rediscover analogue printing techniques... not just moveable types!

Another Open Studio to present the heart of Betterpress Lab - an artistic letterpress studio based in Rome - which has among its objectives the promotion and sharing of an artisanal and artistic world where it is possible to bring together the taste of manual experience with imagination and with a more human time, the time it takes to elaborate and realize a thought that merges head, hands and feeling together.

For this reason, in addition to movable types and letterpress expierences, we have decided to offer courses and workshops about: Analogue black and white photographic printing; Cyanotype; Calligraphy. We will be here to present them to you from 7.00pm to 10.30pm on Friday 15 December.

a small aperitif will accompany our meeting


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