Uno sguardo artistico rivolto al passato ma con i piedi nel presente

A group exhibition this one that takes us back to the past and all that we have experienced and overcome. But with feet firmly planted in the present. Young Gabrel Angelo Cacace relates De Chirico and his metaphysical art to covid-19, Franco Angeli in unsuspected times warned us about the end of illusions, photographer Vincenzo Restuccia shows us an old doll room of a typical grandmother's house , Constantin Christophe reminds us of an old telephone booth, Bruno Aller pays homage to Pasolini, Fabrzio Clerici brings us back to archaeology, Mirko Baricchi makes us think of the Big Bang, Ennio Calabria mentions the role of man in workers' struggles, the very young Lorenzo Fantastichini takes us back to birth, Giosetta Fioroni reminds us of the true and romantic feelings of the past, Marco Verrelli proposes an old diver, Achille Perilli recalls the old artistic dilemma between figurative and informal, Mark Kostabi faces ll theme of motherhood and Fabio Milani recalls the death of ideologies and the fears of the globalized world.

All without nostalgia , without regrets and without glory.


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