Symbolisms of Vision

Fifty artists from different cultures and worlds

In one of the most prestigious historic seventeenth-century residences in Rome, Villa Altieri, Rome Art Week proposes, for its eighth edition, the project Symbolisms of Vision, curated by Massimo Scaringella, Roberta Melasecca and Fabio Milani: a representative exhibition that puts art and architecture in dialogue, in a perfect union between contemporary visions from different areas and the history and memory of the Eternal City.

Simbolismi della visione is centered, therefore, on a double confrontation: in fact, researches of a plurality of artists from different cultures and worlds will be presented - proposing sometimes similar, sometimes opposite symbologies and landscapes - which must necessarily relate to a place that preserves the imprints of a not too distant past and that evokesvisions and images of a Rome transformed by the continuous stratifications and urban, architectural and artistic interventions.

Manifesting a common line of creative and conceptual expression and dialogue with the architectural space, foreign artists working in international dress, and arrived in Rome thanks also to the collaboration with various foreign institutions, and many of the most interesting and active artists of the Roman scene will animate the halls specially dedicated to temporary exhibitions, enriched by the co-presence of the prestigious collection of fragments, busts and statues, as well as the transition places of the palace.

Artists Simbolismi della Visione: Bruno Aller, Aurelio Bulzatti, Ennio Calabria Tommaso Cascella, Carlo Cecchi, Sergio Ceccotti, Ezio Cicciarella, Baldo Diodato, Alessandra Di Francesco, Andrea Fontanari, Tancredi Fornasetti, Paolo Giorgi, Mirko Leuzzi, Massimo Livadiotti, Angelo Marinelli, Laura Mega, Fulvio Merolli, Giuseppe Modica, Daniela Monaci, Veronica Montanino, Rosa Mundi, Gianfranco Notargiacomo, Giacinto Occhionero, Monica Pennazzi, Daniela Perego, Salvatore Pulvirenti, Fiorella Rizzo, Sandro Sanna, Silvia Scaringella, Eliseo Sonnino, Lamberto Teotino, Alberto Timossi, Francesca Tulli, Franco Troiani, Fiorenzo Zaffina.

Michel Oz (Argentina), Branco (Brasile), German Tagle (Cile), Lilyana Karadjova (Bulgaria), Maren Marie Mathiesen (Danimarca), Laetitia Ky (Costa d’Avorio), Hanno Palosuo (Finlandia), Uemon Ikeda (Giappone), Hadel Azeez (Iraq), Corine Gholam Fawaz (Libano), Kenneth Blom (Norvegia), Gregory De La Haba (USA), Walter Erra Hubert (USA), Vassilis Vassiliades (Cipro).

Artists Beyond the clouds: Aljoscha (Ucraina), Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov (Russia).


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