Mario Tarantino Open Studio

This is a collective exhibition of sculptures at the Spazio Sferocromia which is located in via Ippolito Pindemonte 30 / b in Rome (Monteverde Vecchio district). It is a large independent space where you can also meet other artists and enjoy multiple creative spaces within the same structure. My sculptures range from abstract to figurative, with the constant research and continuous experimentation between different materials: wood, clay, iron-cement. They express an unprecedented humanism that knows how to grasp and externalize the most intimate, delicate and true aspects of the soul and of life. Witness to this, in particular, are the terracotta heads, caught in the expression of a moment, now proud, now introspective, now full of vigor, now afflicted in the darkest desolation or suffering of an existential nature. Certainly I have duly taken into account the portrait tradition of the greats, from the Renaissance (Michelangelo) to the impressionism of the late nineteenth century (Medardo Rosso), without neglecting the influence of the multiple currents of thought of the first half of the twentieth century. But in my works there is nothing mannered, but the effort to interpret the inner and most intimate moods of human existence. As I said, I work hard to always look for new expressive tools, from the noblest to the poorest, from the most tenacious to the most flexible, intent on sending symbolic messages, entrusting myself to the magic of art. Recently, my research has evolved towards a new form of art: what I call "nature made": that is, spatial evolutions that nature itself has shaped and that fire has dug in, like a wise chisel, in abstract and imaginative models, To arrive, finally, to the iron-cement creations, which, despite the difficulty of realization, they give a very special charm to the form and message contained in it.


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