Vital streams Open Studio

Rome Art Week 2023

21-29 October 2023

With the patronage of the Appia Antica Regional Park

Vernissage 21 October 2023 - 4.30 pm

Former Cartiera Latina, Sala Nagasawa

Via Appia Antica, 42 - Rome

Vital Flows

Dolores Carli - Bruna Cucchiaroni - Giuliana Silvestrini

Edited by Domenico Cornacchione

On the occasion of Rome Art Week 2023, the week of contemporary art in Rome, Dolores Carli, Bruna Cucchiaroni and Giuliana Silvestrini will inaugurate, on 21 October 2023 at 4.30 pm, at the Ex Cartiera Latina - Sala Nagasawa in Rome in Via Appia Antica 42, the contemporary art exhibition Flussi Vitali with the patronage of the Appia Antica Regional Park. Exhibition curated by Domenico Cornacchione.

«The title of the exhibition is inspired by Henri Bergson's philosophical concept stated in the book Creative Evolution of 1907, in which the flow or vital impulse is understood as an internal force, a need for creation, a continuous differentiation in the development of life in various evolutionary directions". With these words, Dolores Carli, Bruna Cucchiaroni and Giuliana Silvestrini, the three artists present in this exhibition, present this personal and intimate exhibition project of theirs. A project in which the vital flow is revealed through the variety of artistic languages ​​with which each of them felt the need to express their own concept of creative energy.

Dolores Carli interprets vital flows as psychic and physical emotional exchanges between individuals. In his plaster sculptures the artist gives a tangible form to emotions, or rather, to what emotions generate: a flow of pure, incorruptible, unfathomable energy, a solid, perceptible, true flow. He chooses to represent it materially as waves that propagate in space, a rational, delimited, geometric space, but at the same time infinite and modular.

In the large installation in the center of the room, however, the artist creates an enormous human silhouette: the imprint of man on the earth, of course, but the books with which it is composed suggest a trace, this time, positive.

The exhibition opens with a sculpture depicting a man on a bicycle, a tribute to the sculptor Hidetoshi Nagasawa (to whom the exhibition room is dedicated) and his epic bicycle journey from Japan to Italy.

Giuliana Silvestrini starts from the concept of the indissoluble union between birth and death, the works reproduce moments of human existence in a metaphorical key. Birth is represented by an enormous network within which tree branches simulate blood vessels.

A video work, however, shows us the repetitive and sometimes obsessive aspect of everyday life experiences. A photograph, in which half the artist's face and half the mother's face can be seen, indicates the passage of time. The sound installation intends to surprise the viewer: the buzz of a swarm of bees indicates to us the great work of existence, inviting us to reflect on the importance of nature and respect for it in all its forms.

Finally, the eclectic artist exhibits a large pictorial work, an expression of the creative energy and that vital flow that artistic creation represents.

Bruna Cucchiaroni closely links her paintings to the exhibition hall: the former Cartiera Latina was once one of the largest paper production plants in Central-Southern Italy, today home to the Appia Antica Regional Park, it still retains some industrial machinery inside of the time. These devices, now in a museum, appear as indecipherable forms, unlikely sculptures bearing witness to an apparently decadent recent past. The artist's paintings, abstract at first glance, reveal, when looked at carefully, disconcerting and unexpected enlargements of those machines. So here we seem to glimpse a gear, a cogwheel that time has covered in rust. The bright and intense color of rust also echoes in the paintings, rekindling the echo of the moving gears of those machines that recall the tireless work of man.


The artists:

Dolores Carli attended the Rufa Academy of Fine Arts and studies of "art masters" who contributed a lot to her training and style and to the experimentation of different materials. She is also a psychoanalyst and these two souls are constantly present in her artistic work.

Bruna Cucchiaroni graduated from the School of Ornamental Arts in Rome. He enters the world of contemporary art by delving into various pictorial techniques, from watercolor to acrylic, including engraving.

Giuliana Silvestrini, biologist, counselor in Art Therapy, graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, uses different media, ranging from painting, videos, sculptures/sound installations and photography.





by: Dolores Carli - Bruna Cucchiaroni - Giuliana Silvestrini

edited by: Domenico Cornacchione


Former Cartiera Latina, Sala Nagasawa

Via Appia Antica, 42 – Rome

With the patronage of the Appia Antica Regional Park

Rome Art Week 2023

21-29 October 2023


Vernissage 21 October 2023 - 4.30 pm


Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 7.45pm

Monday to Friday from 3pm to 7.45pm

(in the morning by appointment tel.: 3475544605 / 3496607235)


Finishing 29 October 

SINGING DUO OF EEA Caterina Bono violin, Indiana Raffaelli double bass 5.30 pm


Catalog edited by:

Cornacchione Publisher


In conjunction with the Mostra Flussi Vitali it will be possible to book a guided tour of the EX Cartiera Latina by connecting to the link:


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