Everything makes Jazz - Art Night

Extraordinary evening opening

Jazz music and its visceral form of expression is the primordial musical genrematrix of all modern musical genres. This is why it is difficult to describe in wordssensations that cannot be explained rationally. This music, gojust heard and lived.The encounter between music and painting has always been very fascinating especially forunderstand the connection.Show that it is possible to connect these two channelsexpressions between matter and sonority has very deep roots.Of looking for him, Juanni Wang says:“It was as if the canvas came to life through shapes and colors spontaneously,exploiting the physical properties of matter stimulated by sound and light waves.But beyond a properly artistic approach, this research between music andimage, sound and color has produced a more intuitive way for me to expressfeelings and evoke emotions or memories”.Assign a dominant color to each piece, describing the music according to theown chromatic sensitivity in a direct and simple way, has allowed the painter tocreate, beyond the canvases, completely unique objects. In her new works, past and presentseem to meet again in the name of creativity, with a retro sprinkle waiting for thefuture.Music comes from the heart of the artists to go directly to that of the listeners:why not use the colors of music to define a genre or a song?Art has the ability to gather within itself the emotionality and spirituality of those who make itproduces. The intent of the artist Juanni Wang is to show the meeting pointsbetween painting and music; and the means to achieve it are two: color and shape.A symphony of colors and a harmony of shapes. edited by Sabrina Destefano and Angelo Tuti

On the occasion of the event, the presentation of the book is scheduled: "THE POSSIBLE FUTURE POST COVID 19" published in November 2022 by Edda Edizioni. The book collects reflections on the socio-economic prospects for the relaunch of Italy. On the occasion of the event, the authors, Carmine D'Antonio and Romeo Lelli, will talk with Prof. Marco Prosperetti and the journalist Massimiliano Cannata.

Juanni Wang's ′′ Red Fish ′′ 2021 is on the cover of the book.


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