Take Off

Open studio: Amici, Baccaille, Giordano, Longo, Morelli, Prosperi, Spernazza.

FONDAMENTA GALLERY opens its studios for the Rome Art Week 2022. The artists Chiara Amici, Prisca Baccaille, Margherita Giordano, Giovanni Longo, Mattia Morelli, Maura Prosperi e Giulia Spernazza will share their latest artistic researches at the location curated by Inside Art where they have been working for the last three years.

Take OffOpen studio Fondamenta Gallery: Chiara Amici, Prisca Baccaille, Margherita Giordano, Giovanni Longo, Mattia Morelli, Maura Prosperi, Giulia Spernazza.

Fondamenta Gallery via Fraccaroli angolo Via Stefani / M Monti Tiburtini - Roma.

27–29 ottobre 2022 h17-21Info basementartstudio4@gmail.com


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