con-tempo project #1: IntraPónte by Maria Vittoria Pecchioli cutated by Simona Cresci

A project curated by Daniela Perego and Roberta Melasecca

con-tempo projectCurated by Daniela Perego e Roberta Melaseccaottobre 2022 - febbraio 2023Artists: Maria Vittoria Pecchioli, Livia Signorini, Federico Faeta, Desirè D’AngeloCurators: Simona Cresci, Michela Becchis, Francesca Perti, Sabrina Vedovottocon-tempo project #1IntraPónte by Maria Vittoria Pecchioli Curated by Simona Cresci

Rome Art Week 202228-30 October 2022Il mio StudioVia San Francesco di Sales 85 - Roma

On 28 October 2022 at 5.00 pm the con-tempo project opens in the spaces of Il mio Studio with the first exhibition scheduled, IntraPónte by Maria Vittoria Pecchioli, curated by Simona Cresci.con-tempo project is a contemporary art format, conceived and curated by Daniela Perego and Roberta Melasecca, which intends to investigate unprecedented research by artists who are called upon to deal with an interclosed and not physically expandable space, private but open, accessible but protected. con-tempo project is organized according to a three-year program, from October to the following month of February, and will see four artists as protagonists for each year, presented the first year by curators and / or art historians, the second year by other artists having a structured and long-lasting path and in the last year by directors of galleries or cultural centers: from 28 to 30 October 2022 Maria Vittoria Pecchioli presented by Simona Cresci will be on show; from 25 to 27 November 2022 Livia Signorini presented by Michela Becchis; from 27 to 29 January 2023 Federico Faieta presented by Francesca Perti and from 24 to 26 February 2023 Desirè D'Angelo presented by Sabrina Vedovotto.

IntraPónte is a photographic project by Maria Vittoria Pecchioli, curated by Simona Cresci: thirteen polaroids reconstruct the Ponte Cestio, in Rome, centimeter by centimeter, seen from the Ponte Garibaldi, access to the Trastevere district and crossed every day by hundreds of thousands of people. A place that marks the transition from a real world to an imaginary one, suspended, where time seems to stop in a spiritual labyrinth that allows you to get lost and find yourself. Each photograph has an inscription in red that shows some phrases by Alberto Sordi, a native of Trastevere, and to each Polaroid the artist affixes a letter which, alongside the next, composes "R.Tredicesimo", Rione Tredicesimo, Trastevere.

The exhibition will be open from Friday 28 October to Sunday 30 October by reservation at the following times: Friday from 18.00 to 21.00, Saturday and Sunday from 12.00 to 20.00. Reservations onwww.eventbrite.itContattiRoberta


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