The suburbs, a place of the mind and a setting for ideas

Group photo exhibition by various authors

The Adams Experimental Center of Photography in collaboration with KromArt Gallery, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Pier Paolo Pasolini (Bologna, March 5, 1922) intends to celebrate one of the most debated and emblematic figures of his time, still today a landmark of Italian and international culture, thanks to his ability to read and anticipate the transformations of contemporary society that make him an author still original and of great topicality. In this regard, the C.S.F. Adams - in collaboration with KromArt Gallery - announce a call for entry for Italian and international photographers who wish to show their photographic work on the occasion of the opening of the academic year 2022/2023


The suburbs, place of the mind and scenario of ideas.

Powers and nobility are born, fierce, in the piles of hovels, in the boundless places where you think the city ends, and where instead it begins again, enemy, it begins again a thousand times, with bridges and labyrinths, building sites and earthworks, behind swells of skyscrapers, covering entire horizons.

Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975)


For the poet, the suburbs became the true protagonist of a journey of research and discovery, which would accompany him to his tragic end. The spaces of the suburbs, disturbing landscapes forgotten by all, horizons that are lost. Pasolini ceaselessly elaborated an idea of social marginality and spatial confinement as a possibility of truth and meaning. The periphery is therefore a connotative topos of the entire Pasolinian story: not only a privileged theme and setting, but a symbolic condensate of the sacred, of the other. Pasolini and the peripheries of the world, of the different, the essential pole of a typically modernist binary scheme that is incessantly open to relationship, dialogue, otherness. There are many meanings of the periphery recounted by Pasolini not only as an anthropic and social place, but also as a metaphor of the decentralised, of the different, of the impure, and as the very signifier of an otherness in perennial antagonistic tension. Pasolini resematises the very concept of the periphery, in an anthropological, cultural and linguistic sense, overturning marginality into value, otherness into the conferring of meaning. The periphery as immanent sacredness as a place of the human and the mythological, the periphery as a necessary elsewhere, an anthropic and identity space of encounter and relationship with the other. The periphery as a place of encounter between the sacred and the profane. The words of Pier Paolo Pasolini, poet, non-conformist intellectual, film director, storyteller and singer of the suburbs, of the disenfranchised, of the disinherited, of the civilisation of innocence and of the peasant civilisation, are still the only ones that guide us, enlightening us, in the thick fog of fake progress, fake freedom, capital and single thought.

Truth does not lie in one dream but in many dreams. Red flag, become a rag again, and the poorer you wave.

Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975)

The selected authors

Agnese Alessandrini, Laura Anderlucci, Paola Francesca Barone, Zsolt Batori, Franco Buoncristiani, Francesco Cagnetta, Simona Caprioli, Alberto Cecchi, Gianluca Coppetu, Stefania Cuozzo,   Lea JakbecDiego Manfredini Valentina Manzi, Federica Mirto, Paola Panatta, Bruno Panieri e Stelvio Peti


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